What inspired you to become a SuicideGirl?
"I wanted to do something for myself to remember and look back to when I’m old and be like damn you were brave and beautiful when you were young. I loved the idea of alternative boudoir photography that is inclusive and doesn’t follow mainstream beauty standards."
If you could shoot a set with any SG who would it be?
"@Douie and I have been planning to shoot a multi for a long time…eventually it’ll happen and you better be ready for it! I’d also love to shoot with @Haub, she seems extremely nice and is a total babe!"
What are your buck list shoot locations?
"On my bucket list for locations would be a treehouse, something airy with a lot of light and sunshine. I’d also love to visit the SG house one day and shoot a set there that’d be amazing! And a houseboat could be a cool location too!"
Favorite team photographer?
"Yes! I’d shoot anytime with @shaine, all of the sets I shot with her got so much love from members and were selected as SOTD. I believe it’s because she’s excellent at showcasing natural beauty and making rather relaxed settings look sexy. She has a fabulous eye for posing and catching the right light! She also shot my first SOTD which is still my personal favourite!"
How do you come up with names for your sets?
"My set names are usually song titles or something German - “Lush” is the first set that doesn’t fit into this pattern."
Do you have an #SGBestie?
"I do love meeting other models on SG! Aside from being able to travel the world and connect with likeminded people everywhere through Suicidegirls is pretty amazing. But my favourite part is making actual friends like @Douie! She’s currently in Costa Rica and I miss her a lot!"
Tell us a few interesting facts about you.
1) I have a Masters degree in political sciences
2) My favourite travel experience was working on a farm in Namibia
3) I can’t eat gluten which is sad because I’m an excellent bake
If you had a warning label, what would it say?
"No small talk - she can’t help it she’s German"
What's your favorite holiday?
"Definitely Christmas! Germans love Christmas we pretty much celebrate all of December! With Advents Kalender, St. Nikolaus on the 6th and Christmas is celebrated on the 24th. I’m not religious at all but I love decorating, getting together with friends and family. Getting cozy and slowing down from everyday hectic life is part of it too."
Top 3 presents for someone like me...
'Coffee, chocolate and good company."
What's on your bucket list?
"More traveling! Australia, Bali and Costa Rica are on top of my list!"
Best for advice for dealing with haters?
"It’s okay, you probably also don’t like everyone… And if they are straight up shitty ppl Karma is gonna get them!"
What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
"Probably moving to Canada and leaving my life in Germany behind."
How many tattoos do you have and tell us what inspired you to get them!
"I honestly never counted- it’s my art collection, some have meaning others I just chose because I thought they looked pretty. I feel more complete with my tattoos and cannot imagine anymore how I would look without them."
Tell us about your dream concert lineup.
"Larkin Poe, followed by ZZTOP."
What's one thing someone can do that instantly makes them more attractive to you?
"Smart and funny is instantly attractive… sounds easy but is actually not easy to find."
Describe your perfect date.
"It’s a warm summer night, we’re going out for food, we are so excited about each other that we stay up all night to have long conversations about life… we end up watching the sunrise and having coffee."
"Thank you for all the love on my recent set of the day, I feel so lucky to be part of this amazing community and look forward to creating new sets, meeting other amazing SG models and connecting with you guys ❣️" - @annoir