you know what i hate? when groups of friends gather 'round and sing the most corny, feel good song outloud with each other. what're you all hippies? am i sitting around a campfire, holding hands with you as we all sing kum by ya, with the background of a softly strummed, finely tuned acoustic guitar? because what the fuck? everywhere i go and see this type of thing, i first feel left out, then the outcast for not permiting myself to sing along - until i realize just how fucking stupid they all look joined together singing franz fernanidz "im gonna make somebody love me, now i know, now i know, now i know that its you, you're lucky, lucky, you're so lucky." wow... is this the right movie? because i can almost gather i am in some pacifier sucking, carnival of suckyness, tim allen movie. imagine with me - five white kids - and not even kids, but 20 somethings - singing along all at once. imagine the cheese factor here. c'mon, imagine with me. theyre all huddled together like a football team, bobbing heads, giggling back and forth, staring on-eye to eye, cheesy grines, and singing to each other line by line-like im watching a fucking made for t.v. movie. what, did i walk in on some sentimental moment of a lifetime movie? who changed the channel from dawn of the dead to martha stewart? can i mute, pause, or change this trainwreck of a mess? please tell me who did this so i can stab them in the chest.
people bother, scare, confuse, and piss me off sometimes.

people bother, scare, confuse, and piss me off sometimes.