wanting people to listen - you cant just tap them on the shoulder anymore - you have to hit them with a sledge hammer.
so amber (ex and best friend for years and years now) and i are at the mall, walking around, enjoying the night and what not, but seeing as amber's so "different" every once in awhile she'd get the normal disgusted looks, that we'd in turn laugh off, mock, and be done with. well, we're coming up the escalator when three "average" teens sitting on a bench start to laugh. well, amber completely overemphasizes the laugh, which i felt was alittle excessive,
until the blonde on the end then laughed out loud again, and said "yeah, thats what i said" (not that she actually 'said' a laugh, but whatever) amber then walks over and in a calm voice asks why "people like you always make fun of me" more or less. two of the girls commented in a very profound, upstanding, and adult behavior. i think they said something similiar to: "HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA" so, inbetween this, the other girl explained that they had been doing this all night and not to take it personal. amber explained on, and while explaining her feelings - being the guy, my feelings were nearly non existant. well, the "good" feelings anyway. i was boiling on the inside. i couldnt believe these girls had the audacity to keep laughing as amber so vulnarably maintained herself and explained away. i personally felt the need to take this light mood, and shove it directly up there asses. now rationally i stepped forward and said .you realize she has the modes to fucking kill you?i zoned off at this point, not really here nor there, but still my mouth running full of obscenities. i believe the laughing paused at this point, but i could be mistaken. after hearing everything the girls had to say (letting everything run in one ear and out the other) i decided it was time to leave before i let my mouth slip anymore than i had already let it. didnt figure getting the cops involved in the matter would be to great, i wouldnt have found it to pleasing sitting in a small, bright, office while the cops interragated us and pulled out the plastic search gloves, dogs, blue light, fucking tazers, lie detectors, good cop - bad cop BS, acting like a murder was commited through speaking up... anyways you get where im going with this. anyway, i should have let amber handle it herself, but i cant think of a more perfect way to exit! and in more words what i meant to really explain to them was what if this was a horrible day today and them fucking with her was the last straw. THAT is why your parents teach you respect. DONT say shit that you may not be able to back up and or live to regret, because you might have a knife lodged in your throat for what you do or say. maybe i shouldnt have spoke up, but i was trying to show a lesson learned. maybe they wont be so quick to make fun of people next time. though im sure, they went right back at it. which disgusts me. its not like we live in bumfuck no where. this is a highly populated city is it not? im sure you people have seen different personalities sometime in your small, secluded, boxed in lives. fucking go back to your pompoms and highschool bullshit because its obvious adressing issues like civilized adults does not exist anymore.
so amber (ex and best friend for years and years now) and i are at the mall, walking around, enjoying the night and what not, but seeing as amber's so "different" every once in awhile she'd get the normal disgusted looks, that we'd in turn laugh off, mock, and be done with. well, we're coming up the escalator when three "average" teens sitting on a bench start to laugh. well, amber completely overemphasizes the laugh, which i felt was alittle excessive,