-white petals, a blue sky. gasoline and corporate needs-
so im filling up my gas tank this morning, putting in a small amount of 20 dollars, and im watching my surroundings. the first guy to walk out of the gas station has a button down pink shirt on, slicked back hair, sunglasses, keys in one hand and double shot starbucks expresso drink in the other....
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so im filling up my gas tank this morning, putting in a small amount of 20 dollars, and im watching my surroundings. the first guy to walk out of the gas station has a button down pink shirt on, slicked back hair, sunglasses, keys in one hand and double shot starbucks expresso drink in the other....
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well, nothing new on the update front. ive been blank for awhile.
BUT! i must say Aidens new set is the best set i have ever seen. ever!
BUT! i must say Aidens new set is the best set i have ever seen. ever!

i pretty much miss you a lot
strive to survive
think hes heaven sent? no. hes just the president. maybe your average criminal, sure isnt the regular individual. people wonder why hes ridiculed, its pitiful, in general, could he be alittle more political? im tired of hearing the same shit, its all irellevent, the lower class-made out to be fools, the most common fool-the problem-people, when its not even this mans decision,...
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think hes heaven sent? no. hes just the president. maybe your average criminal, sure isnt the regular individual. people wonder why hes ridiculed, its pitiful, in general, could he be alittle more political? im tired of hearing the same shit, its all irellevent, the lower class-made out to be fools, the most common fool-the problem-people, when its not even this mans decision,...
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just...wanted to stop by and say hi. i am in no frame of mind ro read your jounral entry right now, but i will come back later to do so.
just...wanted to stop by and say hi. i am in no frame of mind ro read your jounral entry right now, but i will come back later to do so.
a dead swing swaying in breeze. an impoverished mass of trashed buildings and broken homes brimming with disease. stiff in a recliner, unnoticed and lounging for days. your television blares static. your radios dead signal plays. will you ever be found? the murderer waites it out pursuing business near an abandoned playground. can you find the constellation over our electronic metropolitan configuration? scatter the street...
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you know what i hate? when groups of friends gather 'round and sing the most corny, feel good song outloud with each other. what're you all hippies? am i sitting around a campfire, holding hands with you as we all sing kum by ya, with the background of a softly strummed, finely tuned acoustic guitar? because what the fuck? everywhere i go and see this...
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american deathtrap -.-
do you ever stop and think what it must be like for people the moment their looking head on at a collision? from the victims point of view? that 3-5 seconds where your vehicle is struck and then thrown to the side, possibly hitting others, and when all is said and done, your car ends up being an almost unnoticeable, indesrcibable, piece...
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do you ever stop and think what it must be like for people the moment their looking head on at a collision? from the victims point of view? that 3-5 seconds where your vehicle is struck and then thrown to the side, possibly hitting others, and when all is said and done, your car ends up being an almost unnoticeable, indesrcibable, piece...
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i like to eats mine from the centers, outs!!1!! OLOL!1?!
and now on a lighter note: ah, chocolate and peanut butter! who was the genious, nay - this alchemist - who mixed you together, forming the best and greatest nosh in all the world... peanut butter cups?
and now on a lighter note: ah, chocolate and peanut butter! who was the genious, nay - this alchemist - who mixed you together, forming the best and greatest nosh in all the world... peanut butter cups?
gotta keep it power violence.
so i get stuck looking for an old school grind band i liked years back, (the ultimate warriors) hoping to find them somewhere online, googling them and whatnot, and i find this message board - with said band - mentioned in a hardcore forum. they were all talking, ranting and raving, over analyzing, and just all around being genre nazi's......
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so i get stuck looking for an old school grind band i liked years back, (the ultimate warriors) hoping to find them somewhere online, googling them and whatnot, and i find this message board - with said band - mentioned in a hardcore forum. they were all talking, ranting and raving, over analyzing, and just all around being genre nazi's......
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There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats
- albert schweitzer
- albert schweitzer
we're the fucked youth of today. yesterdays problems - stand in our way. no way to turn ourselves around. they've helped dumb us down - we're all sleeping on the couch at our mother's house. unemployed, wasted, and nearly stupid, we cant seem to make up for their past, present, or our future. seniority and their high standards for the way we should live, when...
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