Well i am finally going to write one of these... I know that its sad that i read several other members blogs frequently and never give back to the system, so here it goes.
Im still stuck out here in the middle of nowhere Iraq, but i am trying to look at the glass half full. every day that passes is a day closer to me getting back home to family and friends. The one good thing is i have had plenty of time to plan out my next few pieces of ink that i would like to add to my collection when i get home. i cant wait
only a few more weeks of living out of a bag like a gypsy and ill be back at it in new york... (insert little irish jig) haha hope that everyone had a good labor day weekend!
Im still stuck out here in the middle of nowhere Iraq, but i am trying to look at the glass half full. every day that passes is a day closer to me getting back home to family and friends. The one good thing is i have had plenty of time to plan out my next few pieces of ink that i would like to add to my collection when i get home. i cant wait

Hope you didn't have to hard of a time. I would actually jump at a chance to go