I seem to constantly find myself in the position of trusting the wrong people. Trusting people that I shouldn't.

By the time I figure out that things have gone down that path - it's usually too late.

All I want...more than anything is to be accepted, and to be loved...and I kind of feel like no matter what I do - no matter who I...
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I really REALLY hate being broke.

There are so many video games that I want to buy and play...and I'm so broke this month. Namely - this one.

Wildstar OMGWANT

I would LOVE to review this game so much. I can't wait for the new dragon age. I have to say that I was REALLY not okay with Watch Dogs - the blunder that Ubisoft...
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okay, so I've been a little sick lately. sick enough, that I've been in and out of the hospital. before you ask, yes I'm OK and yes I am feeling better.

I would like to shoot another set, I have been looking for photographers to work with for quite some time. I am willing to pay for this, I am willing to do whatever it...
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My new Article is up.

All about geek dating!

Leave me some comment love.


If you guys are ever in need of an Instarsia fix and I haven't mosey'd here in awhile -You should all come and stalk me here. Seriously. This is my regular blog...Outside the SG that I rant upon quite frequently. I love having new comments and I always respond. Give me feedback there and I'll be eternally grateful.


My first real paying gig is here. Getting paid to play video games.

I've basically been working my ass off.

Go and leave me some love if you want. I'd sure appreciate it <3 My first review is "South Park - the stick of truth"

Hello my friend, hope your doing well
I have it, it's stupid fun, especially if you're fan of the show.

And I'm just along for the ride.

Honestly, I've been really REALLY trying to get my financial situation handled - and by handled I mean working job(s) that I can set aside more than $5 a paycheck.

I haven't forgotten about you guys - And I have found a photographer I want to work with - he's just in Canada.

So...saving for that too.

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I know that feeling oh so well.  And can def relate to the financial woes!  Hoping you've been able to squirrel some away because I for one cannot wait til you get that set shot! :-)

I've been lost in writing for awhile this week. I'm struggling with a specific plot point on this one and its perplexing me.

I did a really cathartic blog post here.

It was really hard to do...but i'm working on opening myself up and being pretty raw and frank in my discussions of things.

How is everyone?


I've been busy with NaNoWriMo....im at over 32k words.

All goes well, I'll have another novel to share. Maybe I'll have the guts to share this one!

Until then, look at my regular blog to get more detailed updates. Feel free to comment there...share anything.

Love you all! I'm off for a nap.

Enjoy that nap.  You just might wake up with new ideas for your novels. 
I hope I do!