Friday Oct 26, 2007 Oct 26, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email i still havent seen: although i really really really want to. ladyjane: sh*t. i totally forgot that this was on my list of "To See's!" - me too hey sweetie, your love is coming soon? would you guyses consider coming out to an SGLA event someday? i want to give instantkarma a huuuuuge hug! have a beautiful weekend baby grrl - hope the So. Cal. air hasn't been too insufferable for you. Oct 26, 2007
- me too
hey sweetie, your love is coming soon? would you guyses consider coming out to an SGLA event someday? i want to give instantkarma a huuuuuge hug!
have a beautiful weekend baby grrl - hope the So. Cal. air hasn't been too insufferable for you.