"Everybody's so busy wanting to be down with the gang 'I'm conservative, I'm liberal, I'm conservative'. Bullshit! Be a fucking person! Lis-ten! Let it swirl around your head. Then form your opinion. No normal, decent person is one thing, ok? I've got some shit I'm conservative about, I've got some shit I'm liberal about. Crime, I'm conservative. Prostitution, I'm liberal!"
"When a woman get pregnant it's an issue between her and her girlfriends. When a woman get pregnant her and her girlfriends form an abortion tribunal and they vote on the child like it was Survivor. Then the first girlfriend throws in her two cents "child you should have that baby that man got some good hair, it's wavy it's wavy" Then second girlfriend throws in her two cents. "Girl, why are we even talking about this. Ain't we supposed to go to Cancun next weekend? GET RID OF THAT BABY". And that's how life is decided in America."
"I think Bush sent that girl to Kobe's room. Bush sent that girl to Kobe's room, Bush sent that little boy to Michael Jackson's house. Bush killed Laci Peterson. Bush was fucking Paris Hilton in that video. All to get your mind off the war. Bush lied to me, they all lied to me: "we gotta go to Iraq because they're the most dangerous country on earth, they're the most dangerous regime in the world." If they so dangerous, how come it only took two weeks to take over the whole fucking country? Shit. Man, you couldn't take over Baltimore in two weeks."
i love this shit:

"When a woman get pregnant it's an issue between her and her girlfriends. When a woman get pregnant her and her girlfriends form an abortion tribunal and they vote on the child like it was Survivor. Then the first girlfriend throws in her two cents "child you should have that baby that man got some good hair, it's wavy it's wavy" Then second girlfriend throws in her two cents. "Girl, why are we even talking about this. Ain't we supposed to go to Cancun next weekend? GET RID OF THAT BABY". And that's how life is decided in America."
"I think Bush sent that girl to Kobe's room. Bush sent that girl to Kobe's room, Bush sent that little boy to Michael Jackson's house. Bush killed Laci Peterson. Bush was fucking Paris Hilton in that video. All to get your mind off the war. Bush lied to me, they all lied to me: "we gotta go to Iraq because they're the most dangerous country on earth, they're the most dangerous regime in the world." If they so dangerous, how come it only took two weeks to take over the whole fucking country? Shit. Man, you couldn't take over Baltimore in two weeks."
i love this shit:

yeah chris rock's a funny dude ... I remember the first time I really listened to his standup, when I was on ship ... "goshDAMN this guy is funny!i MUST get this CD" i remember thinking. (Bigger and BLack i think it was)(still havent bought it and this was in 2002 or 2003)