I'm out of Afghanistan , and sitting in the United States! Tucson here I come!!!

So since I'm having trouble posting on my groups, which sucks.. Why does this site have to be blocked on this network blah.. If you contact me via email I can respond, and or my yahoo messenger screen name I would email you also.. But so far posting on my groups for some reason wont go through, I will keep trying, I'm using a hack...
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So Taliban decided to attack yet again, I was in the shower when I heard the air raid sirens go off and we were getting incoming rounds from them.. Gotta love Afghanistan. I couldn't sleep so I'm on here.... But going to try and go back to bed..
That scared hun
i hope u be ok
i hope u be ok

I'm having issues trying to post comments in groups, my internet connection blocks this site, along with other naky sites,, so I have to use a backdoor just to get on here lol, anywho feel free to comment , email me etc, I need the communication lol,, I'm in Afghanistan all alone

Happy 4th of July to all
hope you got to see some fireworks.. Me I'm overseas, the only fire works I see is if Taliban shoots rockets at me lol.. 

OMG I'm super excited, So I haven't been on here in a while.. I'm overseas in Afghanistan at the moment, working as a contractor. The internet is slow, and this site is blocked.. I found a way around that hehe, anyway I will be home in Tucson AZ next month ! AUG
for some vacation time, hehe hit me up, send me an email, and...
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wow, never hiked that far before. I'd die. My goal this summer is to hike 12 miles to an ancient cedar grove.
It wasn't that bad lol. Two more miles up and I would of reached the top of the Mountain lol.. Maybe this weekend

Good time! who r u tying down?
Not sure, wana volunteer

So haven't been on here in a while thought I would post something, Work sucks, Still single, bla... I have been trying to go out more around the town, out to eat. Meet and greet new people, so far not to much going on. Maybe I will bump into a good looking girl who is single, and a date can evolve out of this meet....
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wooooww yes this is the blogs I love to see.