OK.. I am still really new to SG and I just LOVE this community. I have favorite SG's and Hopefuls all ready.. One of the first girls that caught my eye was Auburn. She is just stunning.. and the Knit Cap set is by far my favorite..
So I am running around to my roomie saying.. "check out this amazing girl dude!" She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.." LOL.. so being the great friend that he is and he is an off the hook amazing artist as well.. he leaves this sketch drawing of Auburn on my bed as a gift today! I could not believe it..
My bro is Odio One and he is my best friend.. http://suicidegirls.com/members/odio_one/
Thanks dude - YOU ROCK!!.. This will be the first of a collection that will begin to fill up my walls over the next several months..
Auburn.. hope you like it.. SG's We would LOVE to do more of these!!
Have a great week!

So I am running around to my roomie saying.. "check out this amazing girl dude!" She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.." LOL.. so being the great friend that he is and he is an off the hook amazing artist as well.. he leaves this sketch drawing of Auburn on my bed as a gift today! I could not believe it..

My bro is Odio One and he is my best friend.. http://suicidegirls.com/members/odio_one/
Thanks dude - YOU ROCK!!.. This will be the first of a collection that will begin to fill up my walls over the next several months..
Auburn.. hope you like it.. SG's We would LOVE to do more of these!!
Have a great week!

4th was okay! i've been sick as can be lately, but i do love the smell of fireworks!