I'm really glad that human females dont go into heat, like cats do. My friends and I were discussing it and they thought of course it'd be great, because then they would know for sure if a girl was horny. I however, had different thoughts:
-Imagine getting stuck in an elevator with a girl shrieking at you and rubbing her ass on you. You dont...
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-Imagine getting stuck in an elevator with a girl shrieking at you and rubbing her ass on you. You dont...
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I have a lot of random thoughts that come and go all day for me. Honestly once I've thought them and my attention is called to something else I can't remember what it was I was thinking for the life of me. I'm going to try to remember these, compile them and put them here. I dont know why, but that's basically what a blog...
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As you might have read in the news the GOI took control of Baghdad again and seriously, they dont want much from us anymore, so that frees up a lot of time. I've watched some pretty shitty movies hah. I've watched some gems like "Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li" and yes it is as horrible as it sounds. Anyhow I've watched some good ones...
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Hi. I really like naked women, and photography hah. So how could I pass up right?
hi. i like photography. you happen to have a lot of that. i really love naked women. you have lots of that too. together..how could i pass it up right?
Oh, and the female heat situation.....wow, what a nightmare that would be. Imagine all the women of the world the day after heat is over. Like, every woman going on their period all at onc