man o man, I havent written in quite some time. It seems my schedule just doesnt fit sitting down in front of the computer anymore. I've probably missed some great sets and interesting tidbits about all of your lives. So a little bit about what I've been doing, I met a girl and we went on a few dates. It was fun, but I had to break it off. See she lied to me in a pretty big way. And you know I always hear about the trend of men dating women younger than their own age but I'm here to say I do not want to follow that trend at all. She was younger than me (19 am I a weirdo?) but at first presented herself to be pretty mature. But after a few dates it seemed liked I was supporting her more than going out with her. "Buy me some cigarettes please" "Could I get my nails done?" and sure I will treat a lady to things when I can but she didnt seem to understand, I cant ALWAYS do so. But I've broken it off before it got anywhere really serious and now just a lesson learned. Oh well