I was playing with Illustrator 10 last night, the way that I do, and I decided to try the "tracing" style that's "all the rage" for the last few years. Like "Waking Life" or alot of designrr Flash sites. I typically hate it. I had avoided trying it for myself for so long because it always seemed to be a cop out for people who can't really draw. Who are 99 in 100.
So, lo! and behold!, it takes me two mind-fucking hours, and not the 15mins I anticipated. I used a photo of Veronica from one of her sets, but what took me forever was trying to make it more my own than k10k style antics. No dice. I should get a B-. But I sent it in as a desktop to Spooky and the gang, and received a nice thank-you email today. Now I want to do more, because I'm impressionable like that.
But I feel supremely pathetic today, so perhaps a long coma/nap is better for my agenda.
Tomorrow, I'd better be making the frame for the painting B. wants to buy. FYI: it was my first painting sold, and I had no intention of letting anything go, but I stupidly said yes. You know what, faithfull reader? I wish I had asked for more money. I really have to think more of myself.
So, lo! and behold!, it takes me two mind-fucking hours, and not the 15mins I anticipated. I used a photo of Veronica from one of her sets, but what took me forever was trying to make it more my own than k10k style antics. No dice. I should get a B-. But I sent it in as a desktop to Spooky and the gang, and received a nice thank-you email today. Now I want to do more, because I'm impressionable like that.
But I feel supremely pathetic today, so perhaps a long coma/nap is better for my agenda.
Tomorrow, I'd better be making the frame for the painting B. wants to buy. FYI: it was my first painting sold, and I had no intention of letting anything go, but I stupidly said yes. You know what, faithfull reader? I wish I had asked for more money. I really have to think more of myself.
doh and i have to tell you that i went to the orsay museum in paris recently and i was never really into anything from the impressionist and surrounding era's until i saw the real thing. renoir, manet, monet, gaugin, matisse all of them...that stuff was amazing
i agree, it's a great museum. the problem with the MOMA in nyc is that the collection doesn't rotate often enough and there just isn't enough room. The Guggenheim(s) and the Whitney address that, but are too expensive to visit often. the met is just too stuffy, and hardly ever changes. the Boston Museum of Fine Art is a happy medium, like the Orsay. hurrah for museums!