12pm - The latest threat by Al-Quaida, as reported by CNN, that very soon they are going to try to kill 3 to 4 million Americans (1 million children) this summer, has me stunned. I really am frightened and overwhelmed this morning. What an incredibly potent psychological attack.


The spokesman for Al-Quaida laughed at anti-terrorism efforts and hinted that they would use biological and...
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that scares me too. in the meantime, i'm just trying to make sure i enjoy everything while i can. smile
p.s. zmag rocks.
4pm - I have twenty minutes. Nothing happens slowly anymore. I pull on my crash helmet, tighten the straps on my knee pads and get into my brown car. They still don't have ignition buttons, so I use the key. I think I scraped the two-tone blue minivan as I squeezed onto the street. It's all downhill now, winding around the mountain to the bottom,...
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Dude! A Sombrero! And a glo-worm if you can get ahold of one. That is so tequila. I'm probably a bit late, but in case you do it again. we like the same sexual position. just noticing. you are a very interesting person.
I wish I could see this in person... yet it seems so five years ago. Car park.



Why are some people alike? Supermarket. Is there some script that they handed out that I missed? It's the same music, the same bands, the same clothes, the same affected indolent sarcasm and irony, the same sincerity disguised as aloofness, the same egocentrism, the same studied...
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When I tell stories to make people fall asleep, I make sure they get their penny's worth. For a quarter, I will bore them to death.


So the tired blonde girl tries spinning the hay into gold with the little man's spinning wheel.

She cuts her hands all over the place on the spindle, all the hay is making her sneeze, and it takes...
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11:58pm - Where are the frou frou foxes that Lizbeth sang about when I was seventeen?


It's almost midnight. I haven't been feeling well lately. I think all my entries are blithering (or is it blathering?). I don't even know if I qualify as gloomy or something even more widowed. Imaginary faithfull reader, I just don't think I have anything that most people less...
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4am - I've spent some time eating a peanut butter sandwich and composing mad libs.

n.b. - I can't explain why I think these are ridiculous. Normally, you do your best to fit incoherant or filthy words into the context. But with the ones I've written below, I hope the elipses help point out the rigours of non-imaginative writing and make the whole thing fall...
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and the mad libs are funny too...i just want to put conventional words in the blank spaces tho : /
that's exactly it: faced with something that is stereotypically about sex, a person's mind relishes being able to make it mundane again. I think wanting to use normal words (like "toaster") is just fine. What made me happy writing these was that I didn't even want to fill in the blanks. Somethings are just better left out.
One afternoon during my Grade 8 year, my English teacher asked the class to provide examples of metaphors and similes. I suppose we must have been doing that every year for a while by then. I wasn't once called on by a teacher for this particular usage assignment. Now I want to think up answers for that metaphor/simile class as if I were there today....
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hmmm... i can't type to save my life.

thanks for the veronica desktop - incredible! it's my desktop at the moment biggrin

also, i put it up on the desktops page.
5pm - Made pizza again tonight. Wow. I call it "Provenal!". Actually, I don't call it anything. I'd rather not be one of those twits like Bobby Flay or the Naked Chef (what wretched assholes). Anyhow, about the pizza: it was so fucking wonderful, I orgasmed and died after a few slices. Maybe. It's got herbs, feta cheese and shrimp and you make the whole...
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mmmm, sounds delicious. Time for a recipe-thread on the boards!
eep, you're making me hungry!!! i really admire people like you who are "into" cooking, because i can't get into it myself. i asked a friend of mine, "well what happens when something goes wrong? don't you get upset?" she said, "no, i just laugh!" i usually cry. all those wasted ingredients! and i'm hungrier than ever!
I've started compiling a webpage of things I'm trying not to forget about painting. It's important for me to write these things down because my mind is a grapefruit that is a little too sour and it rejects the sweet stuff (ie. forgets the best parts of my life) and it's a small world I live in and I want people to be able to...
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You know, you're right. They (the Symbolists) had (have) their moments. But what about the Luminists? Old lady attic fodder for garage sales, or the best damn thing ever... it keeps me up at night.
i'm an artist. i liked your page. i think that's all i have to say about that.
11am. - R. phones from Toronto to say that E., his girlfriend, has come home yesterday for a family visit and she plans on surprising me tomorrow. We plan a Steve McQueen style reversal surprise. However, made mental note to never trust R. with interesting secrets.

2pm - Put a deposit on the monitor which Apple code-named "Moby". It's the size of Monaco. It's mine...
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8am - Went to university and felt grossly incompetant for having terrible memory recall, thanks to the teacher playing a few tricks on us to explain short-term memory and the hippocampus. Some dick in third row has photographic memory of giant columns of numbers he saw flashed for half a second. Hope he gets hit by a bus.

12pm - Stopped by optometrist and...
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no art. no anything. but a nice pic of an ipod. (i want one too) perhaps you'll like my tattoo i just got. http://swank.nu/cam/lainey.jpg
mac logo. smile
Oh, your apple logo is very nifty. : )

Sometime over the next month or two, some of my paintings will go up in a directory not linked to from the front page, and I will let you know about it so you can tell me what you think.
I was playing with Illustrator 10 last night, the way that I do, and I decided to try the "tracing" style that's "all the rage" for the last few years. Like "Waking Life" or alot of designrr Flash sites. I typically hate it. I had avoided trying it for myself for so long because it always seemed to be a cop out for people who...
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doh and i have to tell you that i went to the orsay museum in paris recently and i was never really into anything from the impressionist and surrounding era's until i saw the real thing. renoir, manet, monet, gaugin, matisse all of them...that stuff was amazing
i agree, it's a great museum. the problem with the MOMA in nyc is that the collection doesn't rotate often enough and there just isn't enough room. The Guggenheim(s) and the Whitney address that, but are too expensive to visit often. the met is just too stuffy, and hardly ever changes. the Boston Museum of Fine Art is a happy medium, like the Orsay. hurrah for museums!