Wow. It's been a while since I have updated this thing. Um, not much to say. I know no one ever reads these entries anyway. However, I am curious as to when Cureelise was added to my friends list. I think my brother has been using my account again. That's ok, gets more mileage out of it I guess. I forgot how fun it was...
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I'm tired. Not only sleep-type tired, but just tired with life. Maybe that sounds overtly depressed, but that's not how I meant it. I'm just bored, maybe. Central Massachusetts only has so much to offer. The problem is I can't go anywhere. Too many responsibilties and attachments. I would love to just drop everything and go somewhere else, though. I think about it sometimes. Join...
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I like being Irish. I've never really thought about it that much, though. I think it's funny that the holiday for the Irish has evolved into a holiday that is almost entirely about drinking. Too bad I'm not much of a drinker. It's kinda fun to be drunk, but the feeling has something peculiar about. Something... artificial, I guess. Not like smoking canabis. That felt...
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It's been a crazy week at work this past week. I'm glad things are finally starting to get back to normal and I can work in my own store again instead of working in other store in the region. I do have a lot of cleaning up to do though, so I guess it's not gonna be all superb after all. I think I'm getting...
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It was kinda fun when the power went out last night. It's kinda nice to just sit there with only a few candles burning. I let my bunnies run around and I tried to play games with them, but too bad they hate me. Well, maybe not 'hate' me, but they only want to hang out with me if I'm lying real still. I think...
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I hate it when I can't sleep and I have to work the next day. That's ok though, because it will be 7 hours of rest if get to sleep within the next 15 minutes, which is plenty.

I just watched a really stupid movie called 'Post Impact'. It's one of those movies that is a direct rip off of a blockbuster. This one is...
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if i ever go to club rumba again, youre totally invited BA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love
Ah yes. Finally nice to have a friend on this site. And WHAT a friend! No one beats Rocket! Us sharing our SOPO lives. Working for 'the man'.

I'm tellin' ya. This computer is really pissing me off. I hate the internet sometimes. Don't these hackers have anything better to do than make viruses that make my life hell? I really don't care about the...
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wait.. is steve the creepy guy from gnc? i dont know any of their names except that one is the creepder king haha
Man, life feels like it just completely sucks right now. I don't know why. I think it's because I don't keep up with all the spiritual stuff that I want to. Especially my dream journal. I have something like 1500 dreams recorded over the course 3 years. It's crazy. I originally started it as a way to induce lucid dreaming. It hasn't quite worked out...
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BE MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOPO FO LYFE, YO!

heh smile
Ah, nothing like a snow storm. What I love the most about snow storms is how all the plows simply ignore to do their job, even as they see me slipping all around and struggling to drive up hill in 2 inches of snow. Why is that? I don't know how snow plow politics really work, but it just seems peculiar. I think they do...
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Hey, I didn't realize that I had a journal kicking around in this place. I guess I earned one with my 4 dollar a month fee or something. Anyway, it's time for a test. Seeing as I don't take a very active role on this site, it would be interesting to see how long it takes for someone to find me and leave a comment....
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Well, you found me first, so I will leave a comment. I liked McDonalds, BTW. Free food and spending money. And free food.