Hi there anyone and everyone who is looking at this. So whose pissed about things lately? I am...while I dont believe that marriage should even be recognized because of seperation of church and state...I do believe that until the US recognizes that gays should be recognized under US marital laws. Was interacial marriage not once against the law? Was that not changed with the time? Dont you think that gay marriages should too? Also they took Howard Stern off the air in 6 cities and while I may not a gree with a lot of things he says silencing him is bashing our right to free speech. The thing that pises me off most about it is that congress holds a meeting about Janet Jacksons boob in like two weeks but they havent looked into Cheney's involvement in Halitron in over a year. I mean to say what the fuck is going on?
Seriously though I think if your willing to make the biggest mistake of your life by getting married then it shouldn't matter if your straight or gay. So yes I think gay couples should be aloud to get married. Sorry I've been antimarrage since my divorce.