Klodi - the Eurasian beauty - looks like a supermodel. What the hell is she doing on SG?!
I like enabling a dominant guy to feel power with me in specific ways that work for both of us so that he doesn't have any need to put me down or domineer to fulfill that instinct. If girls just knew to let their guy feel like he's on top, then a lot of conflict and negativity might be spared.

Give in a little and...
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"Sarcasm is your body's natural defense against stupid."
-Cody's shirt

"For success in science or art, a dash of autism is essential."
-Hans Asperger, 1944
I've managed to map out a trajectory of phases I experience at the beginning of every relationship.

1 - discomfort from unfamiliarity phase (painful getting acquainted and accustomed to newness)
2 - euphoric novelty of desired person phase (dopamine heaven)
3 - loss of singleness crisis phase ("Why should I do this and be with you?" type questioning after dopamine has returned to normal. Partially...
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kick me? don't rub your thighs raw dear. spread 'em.
Why didn't I think of that before?
I realize I wasn't even bothered by the guy-instantly-liking-me situation this time. Weird. I guess it has more to do with whether I like a guy enough back, which is rarely the case and can be elusive for years. I forget what it feels like after a while, yet I never lose my optimism all the same.
This weekend's going to be insane. Hope I don't get overloaded around the masses and within my smaller group of friends. At least the rides will provide breaks from hearing multiple conversations at once all around me. For the same reason, I do better at clubs than at bars; at least the music is loud enough so that I only have to pay attention to...
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try 20lbs some time
I have 15 lb ones, but I keep having to go back down to 10. Maybe I can start by using them only once a week...
Linked here is the paper I wrote in response to the movie When a Man Loves a Woman. At the end, I describe my family functioning while growing up based on certain roles that nuclear family members take on. It's a bit exaggerated and melodramatic, but I had to do that in order to have enough content. I didn't flat out fabricate anything, though,...
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The new guy I met scored a 30 on the Aspie quiz. (For some reason, the link code isn't working for this address: http://www.okcupid.com/tests/1982215450153908026/Asperger's-Syndrome) Yay. He asked if that was bad, and I said "I much prefer it over a 20 or lower. People too different from me in that respect don't sit well with me." I have an intuitive sense of that spectrum, I...
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My "skinny pigs" (what they call hairless guinea pigs) either have me trained or are trained by me. They make noises on 2 occasions: When I first get up each day and come downstairs, and when they hear a crinkling sound like that made from rustling plastic bags or cellophane. They've associated these occasions with getting fresh lettuce and other vegetables, which they eat immediately...
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Scratch that; I don't think I"ll get romantically bored after all. I think taking a small amount of l-tyrosine fortnightly really defeats that boredom feeling by keeping dopamine levels buoyed. Funny how I can enoy the little things more when I'm working in some manner, but I can't be dependent on that and dating to feel motivated to do anything at all. No anhedonia for...
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