This just in.

I didn't remember this, but my dad just told me that I began carrying a book around with me everywhere I went from the age of 3.

Flash forward to today. My boyfriend often questions me on why I must bring a book with me to do one or two simple errands or get food. Hey, it's my pet subject of the...
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I understand completely. No one would raise an eyebrow if you carried around an iPod but if you carry a book people think you're odd. You want the Cliff Notes on the decline and fall of Western Civilization, there it is, right there.
"If Cody says not to psychoanalyze your friends, don't listen to him. You can psychoanalyze my black ass."

Why do people always think we're analysts? That's only one specialty, and an outdated one at that. Fuck rumination.
I confessed to my supervisor that i didn't initially think we were a good fit (since I'm so cognitive and content-focused) but that I've since revised my view. I now think she may offer a good counterbalancing influence that teaches me to pay more attention to people's emotional patterns toward me while in session.

For example, one of my clients pointed out the badge I...
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I'm very amused. Somebody on the site on which I met Cody months ago (who I had previously written before I was taken) finally wrote back:

"are you real? or just another porno crap add?

I'm sort of flattered.
My mom is strange. She wanted me to look up a particular type of shoe to buy in my area, so I did. She writes back:

"You are a pistol We will go for sure and I will get four pair They are so soft and beautiful like you

Love you Have fun"

Interesting compliment...
The people in costume that try to pop out and scare you with fake chainsaws at Universal in the nighttime are lame, but not as lame as the girls that scream every time. When one person in a pig mask snorted at me when I was tying my shoelaces, I told him, "Mmm, pork. My favorite meat."

On the other hand, getting to walk through...
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I forgot how wonderfully cheesy this was. Steve Martin, the sadistic dentist. LOL. "He'll pull your teeth out like the Marquis de Sade." Ah, the movies of my childhood...

What is with the celebrity baby obsession lately? Every gossip magazine jumps at the opportunity to report a new pregnancy announcement with huge pictures and captions on the cover. I don't give a crap about J.Lo's growing spawn or Britney's abused, neglected retards. It seems like, these days, there's a greater fascination for the mundane, fundamentally human aspects of celebrities in order to bring them...
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Knowing that my need for space can be tolerated and respected is a real turn-on. The body responds to the right ideas at the back of the head. Dr. Schnarch was absolutely right to combine couples therapy with sex therapy. I'd like to eventually read his book The Sexual Crucible when there's time. Well, I'm only taking one course at the moment aside from internship...
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