deepsister2000: so tell me what you think of this and if you think this is bullshit as much as i do:
deepsister2000: my supervisor goes, "did you ask how they're feeling? lots of people don't even know what they're feeling"
deepsister2000: she bases her entire therapy sessions on that
wycann: i would shoot her if it was legal
deepsister2000: hahaha!
deepsister2000: thank you
deepsister2000: i think people know what they're feeling. they just don't know what to do with their feelings. how to use them rather than let them use you
wycann: i agree
wycann: she is behind the times
deepsister2000: i guess
deepsister2000: i started going into dopamine-dominant types and serotonin-dominant types. she glazed over
deepsister2000: she called me a "fix-it girl"
wycann: she must think everything can be fixed by talking
deepsister2000: yeah, such bs
wycann: over many sessions
wycann: which puts money in her pocket
deepsister2000: you already talk to friends all the time. what's the difference except you're getting your money taken from you
deepsister2000: yup
deepsister2000: i prefer giving people all my knowledge on a case by case, situation by situation basis
deepsister2000: what she does anyone could do without an education or real brains
deepsister2000: she has a master's though
wycann: it doesn't take a genius to get a psych degree, but it does to do something useful with it
deepsister2000: good point
wycann: all degrees are like that though
deepsister2000: yeah. basics
deepsister2000: i don't know how she keeps clients for long in her practice. maybe they have false hopes? LOL
wycann: all the ones that i went to growing up were like that
deepsister2000: oh really
deepsister2000: i hear my deceased alcoholic grandfather's was like that too. dad says it didn't help him
wycann: just talking never does
wycann: talk is cheap
deepsister2000: how do you feeeeeeeeeeel
deepsister2000: i feel like shooting you in the face
wycann: to treat me like you do?
deepsister2000: oh god. blue monday
wycann: hehe
wycann: yes
deepsister2000: i should just play that song over and over an entire session
deepsister2000: my supervisor goes, "did you ask how they're feeling? lots of people don't even know what they're feeling"
deepsister2000: she bases her entire therapy sessions on that
wycann: i would shoot her if it was legal
deepsister2000: hahaha!
deepsister2000: thank you
deepsister2000: i think people know what they're feeling. they just don't know what to do with their feelings. how to use them rather than let them use you
wycann: i agree
wycann: she is behind the times
deepsister2000: i guess
deepsister2000: i started going into dopamine-dominant types and serotonin-dominant types. she glazed over
deepsister2000: she called me a "fix-it girl"
wycann: she must think everything can be fixed by talking
deepsister2000: yeah, such bs
wycann: over many sessions
wycann: which puts money in her pocket
deepsister2000: you already talk to friends all the time. what's the difference except you're getting your money taken from you
deepsister2000: yup
deepsister2000: i prefer giving people all my knowledge on a case by case, situation by situation basis
deepsister2000: what she does anyone could do without an education or real brains
deepsister2000: she has a master's though
wycann: it doesn't take a genius to get a psych degree, but it does to do something useful with it
deepsister2000: good point
wycann: all degrees are like that though
deepsister2000: yeah. basics
deepsister2000: i don't know how she keeps clients for long in her practice. maybe they have false hopes? LOL
wycann: all the ones that i went to growing up were like that
deepsister2000: oh really
deepsister2000: i hear my deceased alcoholic grandfather's was like that too. dad says it didn't help him
wycann: just talking never does
wycann: talk is cheap
deepsister2000: how do you feeeeeeeeeeel
deepsister2000: i feel like shooting you in the face
wycann: to treat me like you do?
deepsister2000: oh god. blue monday
wycann: hehe
wycann: yes
deepsister2000: i should just play that song over and over an entire session