I just watched the pilot episode of Lost and I'm addicted!!
Also, on a more worrying note...There's a HUGE fire out the back, behind the flats that are immediately behind our garden
A rather drunk-sounding dude told us that the Fire Brigade are on their way and then someone else said "Did you get a look at him?" meaning, I assume, that some chavvy bastard started it. It's beginning to smell of smoke in the house now. If we don't hear a fire engine within the next 10 minutes or so we'll call 999 ourselves, because I don't trust the chavs who live on this estate one little bit!

Also, on a more worrying note...There's a HUGE fire out the back, behind the flats that are immediately behind our garden

Bloody chavs and thier fires. It was probably a stolen car knowing them. They never want to ring the fire brigade-police either.
Back home, the chav kids used to throw stuff at the firemen as they came to things like this, so eventually they wouldnt go anywhere without a police escort....