There's yet another feud raging at the block of flats behind where I live. I can't make out exactly what is being said, or rather, screamed and cried, but i'm picking up selected words and phrases along the lines of 'get out' and 'fucking woman'...all pretty standard stuff for round here really! Think I may also have heard glass being broken, which again isn't anything unusual-it'll be about the 10th glass-smashing noise i've heard this fortnight! Not surprisingly, I avoid that particular street!
Finally got round to renting 'Monster' on DVD and watched it this afternoon-fantastic! Charlize Theron was amazing in it, and Christina Ricci makes a very hot lesbian
On an even yummier note (hehe) I have a seriously mouthwatering Italian ham and Mozerella grilled pizza for my dinner-can't wait! Think i'll go heat up the rest of the lasagne I made last night now...gotta wait until 8pm for my dinner
Hmm...must sort out what i'm going to take home/on hols with me. Better write a list or something, otherwise i'll end up taking everything I own...really not good at travelling light!
Finally got round to renting 'Monster' on DVD and watched it this afternoon-fantastic! Charlize Theron was amazing in it, and Christina Ricci makes a very hot lesbian

On an even yummier note (hehe) I have a seriously mouthwatering Italian ham and Mozerella grilled pizza for my dinner-can't wait! Think i'll go heat up the rest of the lasagne I made last night now...gotta wait until 8pm for my dinner

I didn't know about Christina Ricci being a hot lesbian in Monster. I may have to rent it now.
Cherry xoxoxox