Did some artwork of Vanessa recently. That was such a fun challenge because vector-based art on computer with such detail can be a pain in the ass, however very satisfying once it goes your way.
Other than that, things seems to be okay up in the Cleveland front. Can't believe I missed that SthressFess event :/..that damn job. Kinda tempted to walk out on their asses and just work freelance full-time in my studio but then again, gotta have the money to hold down rent.
Other than that, things seems to be okay up in the Cleveland front. Can't believe I missed that SthressFess event :/..that damn job. Kinda tempted to walk out on their asses and just work freelance full-time in my studio but then again, gotta have the money to hold down rent.
ok, why in the name of god are you not in my friends list on here?? 

Love your art work man, looks realyl great. ..that castle would hella fun to throw a party at hehe.