So today.....went to cafe, ordered a black coffee with white sugar. Not too hard to remember right? Wrong.....
"Hi, can I have a black coffee with white sugar please?"
"What kind of coffee do you want? A latte? A cappuccino?"
"Just a black coffee thanks."
"Do you want milk with that? Cream?"
"No, just a black coffee thanks."
ARRGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Ok to be fair, she did seem to be non-english due to her accent but surely "a black coffee" isn't too hard to understand?! Ah well, for once I wasn't annoyed too much as I was hanging out with my friend Pete from the net who I just met today after 3 years of talking on MSN! See, occasionally net friends don't turn out to be psychos or bastards! Am seeing him again on Monday in Manchester and there will be hugs involved! Feel happy for me! God, I must be happy, I'm using far too many exclamation marks. Ah well, makes a change from me being grumpy/cynical/bitchy....
"Hi, can I have a black coffee with white sugar please?"
"What kind of coffee do you want? A latte? A cappuccino?"
"Just a black coffee thanks."
"Do you want milk with that? Cream?"
"No, just a black coffee thanks."
ARRGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Ok to be fair, she did seem to be non-english due to her accent but surely "a black coffee" isn't too hard to understand?! Ah well, for once I wasn't annoyed too much as I was hanging out with my friend Pete from the net who I just met today after 3 years of talking on MSN! See, occasionally net friends don't turn out to be psychos or bastards! Am seeing him again on Monday in Manchester and there will be hugs involved! Feel happy for me! God, I must be happy, I'm using far too many exclamation marks. Ah well, makes a change from me being grumpy/cynical/bitchy....
Hope you have a good time monday, hugs are good!!
hippy hugs
have you seen elizabethtown yet?
its along the same lines and really weird too....