Eh, well we had R.E today which sucked (as usual). Basically they made us work in groups and write down what our ideal world would be like and what it'd have in it. Being a Catholic college, just about everyone in my class was like "World peace....get rid of poverty...famine....make everyone happy....blah blah blah", however me being the superficial selfish bitch that I can be, I got so bored that I offered to be the scribe so I didn't have to say anything. As you can probably guess, my world would be completely different. Ok so world peace, poverty etc is important but I think in my ideal world I'd leave someone else to sort that out while I get on with the fun, superficial stuff. Therefore in my world:
1. All Chavs would be tortured and killed slowly and painfully.
2. I'd ban smoking and illegal drugs although alcohol, caffeine, taurine and painkillers are welcome anytime.
3. I'd ban religion (ooh the controversy! bite me..).
4. Universities would be free and you'd still get grants and bursaries so you could buy stuff.
5. No-one would need to wear glasses unless they wanted to.
6. College and school would be actually fun, as opposed to stifling any creativity you might have, making you so stressed that you get ill and have to have time off, then having a massive go at you when you have one day off.
7. Insects, spiders and other gross things wouldn't exist (that includes pervy old men).
8. Clubs would keep on going for hours and there'd be free taxis so you wouldn't need to worry about getting home.
9. I'd be a Suicide Girl (yes that might happen in other people's ideal worlds too).
10. Homework wouldn't exist and if it did, it'd be something like "We are studying Buffy The Vampire Slayer at the moment, watch an episode at home tonight".
11. Exams wouldn't exist, instead everyone would do coursework which you'd have plenty of time to do.
12. iTunes would be free.
(All opinions expressed in this blog are solely the opinions of the author i.e. me and I don't care if you don't agree.)
1. All Chavs would be tortured and killed slowly and painfully.
2. I'd ban smoking and illegal drugs although alcohol, caffeine, taurine and painkillers are welcome anytime.
3. I'd ban religion (ooh the controversy! bite me..).
4. Universities would be free and you'd still get grants and bursaries so you could buy stuff.
5. No-one would need to wear glasses unless they wanted to.
6. College and school would be actually fun, as opposed to stifling any creativity you might have, making you so stressed that you get ill and have to have time off, then having a massive go at you when you have one day off.
7. Insects, spiders and other gross things wouldn't exist (that includes pervy old men).
8. Clubs would keep on going for hours and there'd be free taxis so you wouldn't need to worry about getting home.
9. I'd be a Suicide Girl (yes that might happen in other people's ideal worlds too).
10. Homework wouldn't exist and if it did, it'd be something like "We are studying Buffy The Vampire Slayer at the moment, watch an episode at home tonight".
11. Exams wouldn't exist, instead everyone would do coursework which you'd have plenty of time to do.
12. iTunes would be free.
(All opinions expressed in this blog are solely the opinions of the author i.e. me and I don't care if you don't agree.)
not sure I can agree about ciggies though as I am unfortunately a "dirty" smoker!!
I hated R.E
you rock!