I just found out that one of my coworkers died this morning. This is a guy I've worked very closely with since I've been at my current place of employment. No one knows completely what happened-he was a little ill on Friday (but we went to lunch together), and was admitted to the hospital on Saturday. He choked on his own blood this morning. But why? Nobody really knows. I'm a little freaked out.
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 22, 2009
With the move impending, I put in my 2 weeks' notice last Monday. Th… -
Wednesday Sep 16, 2009
So, some news. Due to Maya having a series of crises, mostly mental,… -
Sunday Sep 13, 2009
Crush of the moment: Diana Rigg as Emma Peel. Jesus H. she was hot. -
Thursday Sep 10, 2009
So... Dollhouse-great show, or amazingly great show? Discuss. -
Wednesday Sep 02, 2009
Ok, just wanted to apologize for the one-track-mindedness of this blo… -
Tuesday Sep 01, 2009
Unsurprisingly, my arm hurts. Directly correlation with the new ink,… -
Thursday Aug 27, 2009
Blearg. So tired. And yet, it's been forever since I seen a show, s… -
Tuesday Aug 25, 2009
Spent Friday-Monday in San Francisco. Friday's interview in Santa Cl… -
Friday Aug 14, 2009
Boo hoo hoo, bitch bitch bitch, poor me. Sorry to drag y'all down la… -
Wednesday Aug 12, 2009
Worst. Move. Evar. Anyway, back in Tucson. Still employed, bu…
a good friend of mine died last year in a car accident
its so shoking when somebody very close dies so suddenly
my thoughts are with you pal