Not much is too new here; Maya's mom is in town and staying in our office/guest room, so I've been pretty unable to login much to anything lately. We had a roach infestation recently (not the good kind). It seems, with all the recent rains, they're coming up out of the sewers into... wherever they can. As it turns out, there was once a drain in a closet of ours. There were, I kid you not, 15-20 roaches in plain sight in this closet. Who knows how many more. Normally, I'm opposed to killing things cause they're gross, as well as using pesticides, but this was unacceptable. They had to die. We're still killing off a few stragglers, mostly with our shoes. Our landlord did seal up the drain, though, so that was nice (that man has no qualms about pesticides and poison, or herbicide for that matter).
More Blogs
Monday Dec 22, 2008
Yikes. It's been a while. Sorry, folks, the end of the semester got… -
Thursday Nov 20, 2008
I'm currently in Chicago, just doing Chicago-y things. Actually, May… -
Wednesday Nov 12, 2008
There are now pictures of me up on the internets somewheres, with ske… -
Wednesday Oct 22, 2008
So, I'm very excited about the All Soul's Procession. This totally k… -
Thursday Oct 16, 2008
Group projects are frustrating, blah. Just got a whole bunch of ne… -
Monday Oct 13, 2008
New celebrity crushes: Aisha Tyler Felicia Day That's all for no… -
Friday Oct 10, 2008
I think I'm over the irritability. Maybe going back to school was a … -
Sunday Oct 05, 2008
This class is just making me into one big ball of anger. The profess… -
Friday Oct 03, 2008
Kee-rist. I just wish my classes would slow down a little. I get it… -
Wednesday Sep 24, 2008
The prank wrapped up this afternoon. The first words out of Tony's m…