TO ALL MY CURRENT FRIENDS... Show yourselves!!!
Hey, yeah, so basically I'm taking this time to prepare for my move off suicide girls and into the real world (which should happen around May)
I'm currently setting my eyes on a tattoo machine, which I will purchase with funds raised by selling sausages and nifty paper airplanes that come in a range of colours. please lookout for my lemonade stall at a corner near you...
This brings me to my second point. Please find me on myspace if you dare!
It'd be good to see you there..
otherwise my msn is
At the moment i'm downloading sega genesis games for a bit of a time warp to my childhood, as well as an arcade game i thought i would own one day... as we all know it is one of my life quests to get an arcade game in my home.
I also managed to get Timm to re-pierce my bridge straight and I also now have two labret piercings sitting on top of each other. I did have a ring, but man did that go crazy. Funny how people tend to think my bridge may have hurt more than my ears, but i don't really hear the questions anymore...

Hey, yeah, so basically I'm taking this time to prepare for my move off suicide girls and into the real world (which should happen around May)
I'm currently setting my eyes on a tattoo machine, which I will purchase with funds raised by selling sausages and nifty paper airplanes that come in a range of colours. please lookout for my lemonade stall at a corner near you...
This brings me to my second point. Please find me on myspace if you dare!
It'd be good to see you there..
otherwise my msn is
At the moment i'm downloading sega genesis games for a bit of a time warp to my childhood, as well as an arcade game i thought i would own one day... as we all know it is one of my life quests to get an arcade game in my home.
I also managed to get Timm to re-pierce my bridge straight and I also now have two labret piercings sitting on top of each other. I did have a ring, but man did that go crazy. Funny how people tend to think my bridge may have hurt more than my ears, but i don't really hear the questions anymore...

Happy Birthday!
happy birthday