Slaughtervein, you made me feel so much better about things. Thanks!!!
Anytime, my friend. You're welcome. You know I enjoy pleasing you. You're a stand-up woman. You're for real. And that is why I respect and admire you. You're also one of the few women I've met who actually somewhat -understand- me. And not get all freaked out and run away scared. Because they can't handle it.

I hope we can stay cool with each other. And grow closer as friends as time rolls on. Like I said, maybe I can have you grace my flesh with your needle someday. I'm still waiting to see your work too, by the way! Anyways, take care my friend. Right on, Hardcase.

Strength and Honor,
I work too much. I don't know what happened to the old me, the one that used to party and not give a fuck, but somewhere along the way I lost her. I actually feel guilty if I take a day off. Maybe I am just lucky cause I love my job and all, but I just wish I could blow it off for a...
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Unfortunately, it's part of life. And like you said, atleast you actually -enjoy- your job. You'll be able to take a vacation soon I think. Until then, keep making the money. Go all the way. Hopefully on day, your shop will do so well it can basically run itself. With a few people you trust of course. And you could just kick back and collect all the loot. Maybe travel around your country, The States, and even overseas doing conventions and guest appearances.

Think about it. That pay off at the end of the road. To be like, a world-reknowned artist. It could happen my friend. As for the people who still party and that's all they do? Well, put it this way Hardcase, atleast you're doing -something- with your life. People who can sit around and party 24-7, and are over the age of 21, pretty much have no life. No goals. No ambition. No desire to make their way in the world. You have to start somewhere. Because what happens when you're like, forty years old. And now you're too old to party. Got a bad back. Bags under you eyes. Arthritis. False teeth.

Look in the mirror and realise you let life pass you by. Now you're a middle aged adult, trying to forge a stable income and career. A little -late- in the game. You're doing the right thing my friend. Don't stop. Make the money. Get rich. Get famous. I want to see you and your work in magazines one day and be like to all my friends, ''I know her! That's my friend Hardcase! And her AND her work rocks to the most ill-wicked degree!'' I'm rambling again. Let me shut up. You know where to find me. Take care my friend. Right on.

Strength and Honor,
I hope you are joking (Slaughtervein) about part 4. That sounds horrible. I actually just watched bubba ho-tep with Bruce campbell in it, and for a movie involving elvis impersonators and mummy's, it was surprisingly good. I guess you never can tell.
I saw Bubba Ho-Tep the other night. I loved it. Then again, I like just about -anything- Bruce Campbell is in. And as far as my last post goes. I was NOT joking. About my friend? No, not a joke. That is nothing to make up or make fun about. I have plenty of other stories too, just like that one. It's just not my style to exploit the passing of friends in such a manner.

You want to know more, e-mail me. I wont post anymore of that stuff on this site. It's not -cool- and I'm not proud of it. Just making a point. That it's not like T.V. or the Movies. When it's real. It's true horror. Genuine terror. Suffering, pain and grief. Where I grew up, it was Gladiator-School. Everytime you step out of your door, you wonder if it's your last day. Constantly looking over your shoulder. The best way I can describe it is hell.

Anyways, tell whoever you got working the site construction to hurry up! I wanna see your work, my friend. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I'm going to stop yapping now. You know where to find me, Hardcase. Rock on, my friend.

Strength and Honor,
Today I tattooed a cop, and whilst doing so he mentioned how he wished he could hire me to tattoo peoples crimes onto their foreheads. Not all crimes, not petty shit like dope smoking or theft, but heavy shit. Shit like rape, murder, and child molesting. I thought is was an exciting concept. Labelling these people and not giving them the chance to hide it....
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sounds like he had the right idea...
I here what you're saying there, my friend. On another note, I don't have -nearly- as many tattoos as I'd like. The guy who I let do the couple pieces I have, got locked up. When he got out, he got married and settled down. He offered to hook me up on the side. But his new -wife- wont allow it.

Once I see your work, I might have to pay you a visit. I'm serious about getting more work done. But I'm sorry, I'm just SUPER picky about who I let ink my flesh. Show me what you can do and perhaps down the road, I can give you the business.

By the way, Hardcase, I see in your profile, you like Army Of Darkness, the third installment to the Evil Dead Trilogy. Did you know, they are thinking of making Evil Dead 4? And guess what the concept will be? Ash vs Freddy vs Jason! Now this movie is either going to really suck bad, or be what I think.... An -instant- horror classic wich I WILL pay money to go see.
Anyways, I'll holler at you later friend. Rock on.

Strength and Honor,
I went to the tattoo show in Toronto today. It sucked like it does every year. Only difference is that I saw a bunch of people who used to try and fuck me over and ruin my life, and they didn't seem too happy anymore. Finally I got to see somebody get what they deserved. You always hear people say "Oh, they will get what's...
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I have what I would consider the best job in the world. It's what I said I would do since I was two years old when I saw my Dad getting tattooed for the first time. I have spent years drawing and painting, perfecting my skill so that when my time came, I would be able to give people the opportunity to recieve some beautiful art. Now tell me...since when did a fucking tasmanian devil, farting and waving his middle finger ever become art? Tattoos are permanent, in case some of you out their forgot. And I have noticed that the guys (and sometimes girls) who get these regretful little tattoos, are always the ones who yelled "freak" down the hallway at me in school. Ha, ha!!! Who's the freak now?!

[Edited on Jun 21, 2004 8:51PM]
Hardcase my friend, so true. I have often asked people when they got a looney toon character, or like when guys get barbwire around their skinny little arms, ''Hey? Why did you get that?'' And there respone: ''Cause man, it looks coo!'' I went to school with one girl. She got this cheesey dolphin on her stomac, right around her navel. Well, she got pregnant a couple years after and needless to say, after her gut was stretched and now looks like sagging hamburger meat, I doubt she is saying what she told me when she first got it. ''Like, oh my God! It's sooooo cute! Don't you just love it?! And all her preppy little friends, gathered around. Little preppy princesses, ''Oh my God! Like, that is SO adorable!''

Worthless, foolish scum. More ignorant filth, breathing my air. I don't know, Hardcase. This is our -beloved- fellow man and woman. This is our human race. This is how they think. This is how they act. Like my previous post. They go through this life with an air of constant idiocy shrouding them. You can almost see it in their eyes. That blissful ignorance we spoke of before. They will probably never wake from their slumber of stupidity. It is their curse. Their very existence.

I hope now, you do realize, that you are no freak. That you are beautiful. And your eyes are open! You see the world for what it is. You see other mortals, for what they really are. The waste of flesh human beings are. They try so hard, to be -normal- And anything that goes against their conformist beliefs, system of values and morals, not to mention general ideologies on an economic, social and political scale, they shun and rebuke. They hate, fear and try to destroy.

Once again, their own curse breeds such fear and ignorance. But on a lighter note, if you have a URL, perhaps, to a site showcasing your shop and maybe some of your work, I'd be more then happy to have a look. Until then Hardcase my friend, rock on with ya bad self.

Strength and Honor,