Today was a much better day. Made some progress on the web site. So hopefully (slaughtervein) it will be up and running soon. How can I get the web address to you without posting it on this site (too many people will know who I am and that will suck). I like to be anonymous....
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 18, 2004
So Slaughtervein convinced me to have a public journal on this site. … -
Thursday Sep 16, 2004
I don't know why I even bother.... -
Saturday Jul 17, 2004
I think I should tattoo my hands...that will make me feel better! -
Friday Jul 16, 2004
I don't feel so good.... -
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
Today my mother decided it would be a good idea to bug me about havin… -
Saturday Jul 10, 2004
..... -
Thursday Jul 08, 2004
I got nuthin.... -
Tuesday Jul 06, 2004
Today was a much better day. Made some progress on the web site. So… -
Monday Jul 05, 2004
I got robbed last nite, and I am really fucking pissed about it. For… -
Thursday Jul 01, 2004
Thank god I didn't have to do any maple leaf tattoos today (it's Cana…
So whatever e-mail you put down for this web site, check it immediately. You'll see a message from me. I'd definately like to talk to you more and get to know you better -outside- the confines of this site. Don't get me wrong, I love this place. SG Rules! But on another level, it's not a place I'd get too personal. Remember, check your mail. And I hope to hear from you soon, my ''Steel Rose''.
\/v^^v\/ -Drink Deeply-
[Edited on Jul 06, 2004 9:24PM]