Thank god I didn't have to do any maple leaf tattoos today (it's Canada Day), I hate them so much...Instead I got to work on a bad ass half sleeve!!! Yay! I wish more people got big tattoos, the world would be a prettier place, no?
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 18, 2004
So Slaughtervein convinced me to have a public journal on this site. … -
Thursday Sep 16, 2004
I don't know why I even bother.... -
Saturday Jul 17, 2004
I think I should tattoo my hands...that will make me feel better! -
Friday Jul 16, 2004
I don't feel so good.... -
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
Today my mother decided it would be a good idea to bug me about havin… -
Saturday Jul 10, 2004
..... -
Thursday Jul 08, 2004
I got nuthin.... -
Tuesday Jul 06, 2004
Today was a much better day. Made some progress on the web site. So… -
Monday Jul 05, 2004
I got robbed last nite, and I am really fucking pissed about it. For… -
Thursday Jul 01, 2004
Thank god I didn't have to do any maple leaf tattoos today (it's Cana…
Even a lot of the girls on here. They talk like they're hardcore. Like they can kick ass or something. And I just look in their eyes and I can see that they are not predators, like you, but they're prey. Weak. Fragile. Frail. It rather disgusts me, actually. I don't get too judgemental about it. Only when they talk/act like they're bad-ass. When they are obviously not.
As far as hunting goes. The furthest north I've hunted is Upstate New York. Where I currently reside now as it is. But up here, we have decent game. Nothing like where you're from though. We have Deer (Of course), Wild Turkey, Pheasant, Fox, Coyote, Bobcat, A few Elk way up near the border only though, an occasionally Moose will wander down as well, Black Bear and Mountain Lions. We don't have too many poisonous creatures. For spiders we have Brown Recluses and for snakes we have CopperHeads. What was your Rifle of choice? I was trained on a 30/30 Winchestor. My Rifle of choice though, was a .300 Magnum. 220 Grain Slug. Not too heavy, not too light. Good up to about 1,000 yards.
Wow, Hardcase. First we talked about blood and guts. Then discussed briefly physical attributes. (Lifting and such) And now, we're talking about Hunting and Guns. You're like, the perfect woman. If only more were like you. Anyways my friend, take care of yourself. Rock on Hardcase.
Strength and Honor,
[Edited on Jul 01, 2004 7:53PM]
Who knows, perhaps one day you may rule in your own kingdom of sorts. I wouldn't be suprised. Though I doubt the world is ready for such an awesome predator, such as yourself. They could not appreciate your greatness as I do.
You're like...''A Steel Rose''...Beautiful, worthy of praise and adoration. As a rose. Yet as unbreakable, adamant, powerful, intimidating and dominant as the strongest steel. You are, poetry in the flesh my friend. An aura about you that exudes dominance and commands respect.
Do my words strike you as overbearing? I certainly hope not. I wish not to seem strange in my ways. My intentions towards you are and -always- will be genuine and noble, I assure you. With that said, tell me, how are -you- today my dear Hardcase?
\/v^^v\/ -Drink Deeply-
[Edited on Jul 03, 2004 8:41PM]