I work too much. I don't know what happened to the old me, the one that used to party and not give a fuck, but somewhere along the way I lost her. I actually feel guilty if I take a day off. Maybe I am just lucky cause I love my job and all, but I just wish I could blow it off for a few days and go have a good time. I hate getting all old and responsible and shit....
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 18, 2004
So Slaughtervein convinced me to have a public journal on this site. … -
Thursday Sep 16, 2004
I don't know why I even bother.... -
Saturday Jul 17, 2004
I think I should tattoo my hands...that will make me feel better! -
Friday Jul 16, 2004
I don't feel so good.... -
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
Today my mother decided it would be a good idea to bug me about havin… -
Saturday Jul 10, 2004
..... -
Thursday Jul 08, 2004
I got nuthin.... -
Tuesday Jul 06, 2004
Today was a much better day. Made some progress on the web site. So… -
Monday Jul 05, 2004
I got robbed last nite, and I am really fucking pissed about it. For… -
Thursday Jul 01, 2004
Thank god I didn't have to do any maple leaf tattoos today (it's Cana…
Think about it. That pay off at the end of the road. To be like, a world-reknowned artist. It could happen my friend. As for the people who still party and that's all they do? Well, put it this way Hardcase, atleast you're doing -something- with your life. People who can sit around and party 24-7, and are over the age of 21, pretty much have no life. No goals. No ambition. No desire to make their way in the world. You have to start somewhere. Because what happens when you're like, forty years old. And now you're too old to party. Got a bad back. Bags under you eyes. Arthritis. False teeth.
Look in the mirror and realise you let life pass you by. Now you're a middle aged adult, trying to forge a stable income and career. A little -late- in the game. You're doing the right thing my friend. Don't stop. Make the money. Get rich. Get famous. I want to see you and your work in magazines one day and be like to all my friends, ''I know her! That's my friend Hardcase! And her AND her work rocks to the most ill-wicked degree!'' I'm rambling again. Let me shut up. You know where to find me. Take care my friend. Right on.
Strength and Honor,