So Slaughtervein convinced me to have a public journal on this site. I am not sure what I think of that yet... but it is kinda fun chatting back and forth with him like this! I'm a pretty boring person so I will never have much good to say. I work constantly and my social life consists of my being online, so yeah, I am...
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The more you talk to me. The more I think you want me. You -do- want me, don't you? I admit, I kind of like you too. We should talk a bit more, see where things go. You'd enjoy being my bitch. For sure. LOL!!!!!!!!!
What a dreamer.....
I think I should tattoo my hands...that will make me feel better!
Tattoo whatever you'd like beautiful. And yes, we can share our oncoming emotions, together. I would'nt have it any other way. We'll talk again soon. I'll be thinking of you.
Today my mother decided it would be a good idea to bug me about having kids. Why the fuck do mothers do that? My sister is having a baby sometime this week, and she has to get on my case about having kids. I don't have time for that shit, and I would honestly rather just have pets anyhow. The thought of enduring something so...
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Thank you for your compliments on the new profile picture.And where does this all come from? Me. Where else? And your mom is just being a mom. Though as much as you may not like to hear this, I -know- just from talking to you that you'd make a good mother. Not now, but down the road maybe. Anyways, I'll be thinking of you. Right on, Hardcase.
A vampire hmmmm? Well, maybe we can discuss that a little more later....and have a good nite yourself.
I'm sure I -do- remind you of someone else you know. But remember, I promise you, that I am one of the most original and unique people you'll ever meet. And very different from everyone else. I'll be thinking about you, Steel Rose. Stay beautiful. Right on.
I got nuthin....
Thank you for your words. They helped me a lot. You're a phenomenal woman, Hardcase. I'm honored to know you. Now, when are you going to hook me up with your e-mail address so we can keep in touch like we said? Hope to hear from you soon. Right on.
Today was a much better day. Made some progress on the web site. So hopefully (slaughtervein) it will be up and running soon. How can I get the web address to you without posting it on this site (too many people will know who I am and that will suck). I like to be anonymous....
It's simple. And this was something I was going to ask you about anyway. I'll send you a message with my e-mail address. From there you can reply with your own e-mail address. And via e-mail, we can then disclose more -personal- information without having our anonymity compromised. I like my privacy within my personal life, as do you.

So whatever e-mail you put down for this web site, check it immediately. You'll see a message from me. I'd definately like to talk to you more and get to know you better -outside- the confines of this site. Don't get me wrong, I love this place. SG Rules! But on another level, it's not a place I'd get too personal. Remember, check your mail. And I hope to hear from you soon, my ''Steel Rose''.

\/v^^v\/ -Drink Deeply-

[Edited on Jul 06, 2004 9:24PM]
I got robbed last nite, and I am really fucking pissed about it. For the first time in months I was able to go shopping, and some dirty fucking bastards stole all of my shit!!! I now regret taking the day off. The only good thing is that the stuff they stole, they couldn't possibly use, cause it's all random weird shit (work related, y'know)....
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I'm terribly sorry to hear that Hardcase. And I agree, nothing worse then low-life thieves to ruin your day/night. I wish there were some words of comfort or something I could do to make it better. I really feel bad now. It makes me VERY angry to know that some scum bags victimized you. Not that you can't take care of yourself, it's just the principle.

The thought of anyone hurting you or taking advantage of you really -infuriates- me to no end. And if I was there, I would've punched a mud hole in someones face, pissed in it, spit in it, then stomped it dry. Hopefully, better days are ahead. You know where to find me, if you need me. I'll always be here. I just wish I could've been -there-

Thank god I didn't have to do any maple leaf tattoos today (it's Canada Day), I hate them so much...Instead I got to work on a bad ass half sleeve!!! Yay! I wish more people got big tattoos, the world would be a prettier place, no?
I could tell you were a ''dominant'' woman. And I didn't think you were fat, either. I -know- you're beautiful. I can tell. You're a predator. You're strong. A huntress. Not some stupid ass barbie-doll plastic looking little whore-bag. And you could probably kick half the guys asses around you. I find this to be -extremely- attractive. You, are a real woman.

Even a lot of the girls on here. They talk like they're hardcore. Like they can kick ass or something. And I just look in their eyes and I can see that they are not predators, like you, but they're prey. Weak. Fragile. Frail. It rather disgusts me, actually. I don't get too judgemental about it. Only when they talk/act like they're bad-ass. When they are obviously not.

As far as hunting goes. The furthest north I've hunted is Upstate New York. Where I currently reside now as it is. But up here, we have decent game. Nothing like where you're from though. We have Deer (Of course), Wild Turkey, Pheasant, Fox, Coyote, Bobcat, A few Elk way up near the border only though, an occasionally Moose will wander down as well, Black Bear and Mountain Lions. We don't have too many poisonous creatures. For spiders we have Brown Recluses and for snakes we have CopperHeads. What was your Rifle of choice? I was trained on a 30/30 Winchestor. My Rifle of choice though, was a .300 Magnum. 220 Grain Slug. Not too heavy, not too light. Good up to about 1,000 yards.

Wow, Hardcase. First we talked about blood and guts. Then discussed briefly physical attributes. (Lifting and such) And now, we're talking about Hunting and Guns. You're like, the perfect woman. If only more were like you. Anyways my friend, take care of yourself. Rock on Hardcase.

Strength and Honor,

[Edited on Jul 01, 2004 7:53PM]
I am, mediocre, I suppose. But of course I feel much better now that I've heard from you again. It is always an honor and a pleasure. I hope you don't mind the manner in wich I admire you. You're truly a phenomenal woman. You have an air of royalty about you. Like a ''Warrior Queen''.

Who knows, perhaps one day you may rule in your own kingdom of sorts. I wouldn't be suprised. Though I doubt the world is ready for such an awesome predator, such as yourself. They could not appreciate your greatness as I do.

You're like...''A Steel Rose''...Beautiful, worthy of praise and adoration. As a rose. Yet as unbreakable, adamant, powerful, intimidating and dominant as the strongest steel. You are, poetry in the flesh my friend. An aura about you that exudes dominance and commands respect.

Do my words strike you as overbearing? I certainly hope not. I wish not to seem strange in my ways. My intentions towards you are and -always- will be genuine and noble, I assure you. With that said, tell me, how are -you- today my dear Hardcase?

\/v^^v\/ -Drink Deeply-

[Edited on Jul 03, 2004 8:41PM]