Any else ever have a dream so interesting and intricate, and then you wake up before the end? It’s like getting robbed of the end of a movie or book.
I had a dream about these phased out creatures that could take control of people. It was like they were from another time or universe. Half in ours and half in theirs. They were little gingerbread sized people and brown with weird jellyfish type heads. They floated in the air, latching on to people to take control. I tracked one to a diner, but lost it when it switched to another person. Finding the original person confused and no memory of what happened under possession. I managed to figure out that the creature switched to a woman and chased her into a subway. I thought I had the creature trapped, when another person suddenly pushed the woman controlled by the creature onto the tracks, in front of a train and killing it.
The dream then switched to a view and perspective of another one of the creatures. I, as the creature, went down into the subway in the middle of the night while it was closed. I was in possession of another person and saw where the outline of the dead woman was marked. Near it was one of the creatures, dead. I picked it up and it slumped in my hand like a Dead Sea creature washed ashore. From the creature’s perspective I knew that this dead one, in possession of the woman, had been killed and sacrificed to protect the rest of the creatures. I went further into the subway to an abandoned part, where I found a weird puddle of ooze. It was surrounded by dozens of the dead creatures, and I felt sad. The creatures were dying, either fleeing their space or time as it was collapsing or something. Never figured out why. They could only survive in our space if controlling a person as they needed our body to breathe for them. They couldn’t breathe our atmosphere.
I woke up before finding out what caused them to flee or what their plans were. I felt like I was robbed of the end.