Not to be a bad humbug person, but I really dislike this time of the year. Sun light, or lack of, really affects me. The grey days, that get shorter and shorter, just drag me down. I am counting down to the 21st of December, the shortest day of the year. Then the days will start getting longer. In reality, it's just a minute a day, but psychologically it's huge for me. In my mind, each day is getting better, longer.
I feel you. I live in and am from Texas, where this doesn't really happen. Even in winter it's sunny. But I spent two years in Ohio and I could barely stand it. Aside from the grey from November to May it seemed like, I felt like I could literally tell that the sun was further away than it is here. It was weird, off-putting, depressing. It didn't affect my (now ex) wife, but by December both years I was really worn down. It's not all psychological, this is an actual thing. Hang in there.
S.A.D. seasonal affective disorder. Not enough sun light. I don't know how people in northern Canada dealing with 20+ hours of dark during the winter.