so again im overly stressed back to the dr to get diffrent meds seeing as im allergic to what they gave me yesterday. im trying to be strong but im not having nightmares of things in my life that im trying to deal with so its back to insominia. im also sitting here puzzled by why i can not get a date when i see guys who treat women like complete shit they find relationships. is it true nice guys do really finish last? it really bothers me that i would do anythign just for a meaningful dinner date. this seems to much to ask of anyone. sadly its making me become more and more anti social, out of fear of being used again. just once i wish i could have the good fortune of having someone want me around. its hard to find something positive to build on, when im just a wallet to most so called friends, or im good enough when they need help. and to top it off its snowing again this is one fucked up april fools joke. i again ask myself what is wrong with me, no matter what you do your taken advantage of abused and end up alone.

its gotten to the point i know i need tattooed (yeah need tattooed) but i cant get a design i really want because im so stressed, when i draw it its not coming out close to what i invision.

its gotten to the point i know i need tattooed (yeah need tattooed) but i cant get a design i really want because im so stressed, when i draw it its not coming out close to what i invision.
I'm back on the single scene after nearly 4 years. Not what I wanted, but we don't always get that. I refuse to let it get me down or stop me from moving on. That doesn't mean I don't feel pain or get sad. I do. Then I pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep going.