The last 30 minutes of work always creep the fuck by. What's up with that, anyway? I sold a lot of comics on e-bay this past week. About 300 dollars worth. Woo Hoo! I think we'll be buying our heat transfer press in a few weeks and getting started on more of our style type shirts. You guys let me know what kind of stuff you'd like to see on t-shirts. I want all of your input on this!!
i'm gonna have to check out Frankenhooker... so many movies so little time
nice spoting lisa.... also, wild at heart, by Lynch is rad.... I have 2 favorite lines in that film by Nicholas Cage (before he became and action figure)... The first is 'This here snakeskin jacket is a symbol of my individuality and *belief* in personal freedom...'. The second is divided into two when he is telling a story and say ".... and I put my hand between her legs...' and then later '... she rolled over, spread her legs and said.... take a bit of peach...'! Great film....