I got pulled over by a State Trooper this morning and he clocked me going 72. Wanna know the bad part? I missed the 'Reduce Speed' sign that made the speed limit 45 because of construction a few miles down the road. 72 in a 45!! That should be a hefty ticket. Oh well, it's my own fault.
~ I can't piss and moan because he was doing his job. He did get pissy with me because the company I bought my car from didn't give me a copy of my registration. That didn't fly well with him. Shouldn't your insurance and license suffice? Your registration comes up when they run your license, doesn't it?? Anyway, he didn't like it when I asked "What exactly IS my registration?" LOL He thought I was being a smart ass. For once I wasn't!

"What's that? Empty the crumb tray now? Yes, yes of course.... Right after I kill that damn poodle!!!"