Last night I came to bed and my man was already asleep. As I draped my arm across him I realized he was hard. 'What the hell...' I thought and went down on him, hoping to coax him into some late night sex.
No dice.
I've never done it before, but I thought 'oh well' and crawled on top of him. Sleepily he grabbed my...
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No dice.
I've never done it before, but I thought 'oh well' and crawled on top of him. Sleepily he grabbed my...
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come back - we need you
Lindsay I know you still read this from time to time. But I do soo misssyou here. A lot of the bullshit that was going on has totally cleared up. I hope you are well.
Miss Carla Jean was a blue-buckle Queen
She swung her scepters with skill
She wooed all the women
And told them lies
And then wooed the men for a thrill
When it comes to me
She is powerless
I turn her to slime with my eyes
Because I'm her daughter
I've got to confess
I'm tougher and also more wise
"The Queen's daughter...Ohhh," they whisper...
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She swung her scepters with skill
She wooed all the women
And told them lies
And then wooed the men for a thrill
When it comes to me
She is powerless
I turn her to slime with my eyes
Because I'm her daughter
I've got to confess
I'm tougher and also more wise
"The Queen's daughter...Ohhh," they whisper...
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I still miss you.. =)
i don't know why i didn't post anything about it, but i wanted to tell you that i thought your story was very sweet. i am happy to see that some people remember what the ideas of this country are about and not get bogged down by politics...
Thanks for all the kind words, guys. I really appreciate it.
I'll be around until the 25th so feel free to contact me through my journal until then. I'll be lurking, but not posting on the boards much. Same ole same ole here... I have 3 papers due in school right now so this was probably the best time to hang the SG membership up....
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I hate those dreams about my teeth falling out. In my version of the dream, I'm always trying to pick them back up and either save them, or put them back in. Ive heard that when you dream that, it means that you are afraid of growing old.
I wish there was a secret trap staircase in my house. that would rock. then I could sneak up on people and scare the crapout of them, and then run away laughing....mua ha ha ha ha ......
I wish there was a secret trap staircase in my house. that would rock. then I could sneak up on people and scare the crapout of them, and then run away laughing....mua ha ha ha ha ......
OOOOOUUUUUUCH!!!!!! that dream sounds so painfull! Hey, why exactly did you cancell your membership? I have a feeling It has to do with a certain person. Email me and let me know what's up. You will be missed. I really enjoy reading your journal. I would realy like to stay in touch with you.
take care -Volt
take care -Volt
She's got a hornets nest inside her chest
And a swarmin on her mind
Eyes as black as a police boot
With a three-fifty shine
And there's oh so much
For you to touch
But the handle has a blade
Cause she will let her hair hang down
But there's always one more braid.
And a swarmin on her mind
Eyes as black as a police boot
With a three-fifty shine
And there's oh so much
For you to touch
But the handle has a blade
Cause she will let her hair hang down
But there's always one more braid.
This makes me so sad. Lindsay is awesome... and please IM me whenever you want honey...

Later kids. Cancelled my membership.
I'm not going to say anything bad about the site. I think it kicks ass. It's just a personal thing. I haven't been happy here for awhile so I'm leaving.
Here's my hotmail account addy for after the 25th (when my membership ends):
I'm not going to say anything bad about the site. I think it kicks ass. It's just a personal thing. I haven't been happy here for awhile so I'm leaving.
Here's my hotmail account addy for after the 25th (when my membership ends):
oh lindsay... say it aint so....
if what shakespear says is true, and parting is sweet sorrow, then this is as sweet it could possibly get....
id cry, but my contacts have made my eyes incredibly dry.....across the desert lies the promissed land...adieu, aufwiedersehn, gezunteit, farewell!
if what shakespear says is true, and parting is sweet sorrow, then this is as sweet it could possibly get....
id cry, but my contacts have made my eyes incredibly dry.....across the desert lies the promissed land...adieu, aufwiedersehn, gezunteit, farewell!
I'm probably going to cancel mine, too. I haven't even LOOKED at this site in over a month.
What a wonderful weekend. Damn, I needed that!
Now I'm back to a full week of school and I have a paper to write this week. We're supposed to be taking my boyfriend's kids to the Ozarks this weekend. I was so sick of watching them zone out in front of the tv. I demanded this weekend be different!!!
Hopefully, the weather will be sunny,...
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Now I'm back to a full week of school and I have a paper to write this week. We're supposed to be taking my boyfriend's kids to the Ozarks this weekend. I was so sick of watching them zone out in front of the tv. I demanded this weekend be different!!!

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Adore the new profile pic, so incredibly cute
Adore the new profile pic, so incredibly cute

I hope you all have a great weekend. I love the new picture. You look very happy in the photo.
I took off the glasses for the new pics. I've been saying I would update this thing for weeks. Sorry it took so long.
Jeremy and I made some more naughty pics, too.
I hardly drink, but Friday night I had a bottle of wine. It wasn't big, but I was still shitty. I was in a white wine kind of mood and I forgot...
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Jeremy and I made some more naughty pics, too.

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why, you are just the cutest little thing i ever did see!
you still remind me of a friend of mine...i think i may've mentioned it before, with your budweiser pic. she moved to new york, and i miss her like crazy. she was one of those people who could get along with ANYBODY, and everyone just loved her to death.
you still remind me of a friend of mine...i think i may've mentioned it before, with your budweiser pic. she moved to new york, and i miss her like crazy. she was one of those people who could get along with ANYBODY, and everyone just loved her to death.
must share pictures.....quid pro quo.... me DR CLARICE..... good evening... "that was good"...... pictures?? me???.......does this make any sense?
The party went well last night. I've never been around that many good looking (and gay) men in my life. I used to work in a gay club so that's a bold statement. I guess my boss knows all the good-looking gay folks cause there wasn't a man in there I wouldn't have given a rub and a tug to. I also made over twenty...
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Good morning, hot stuff.
Geez what do you do? a hostess?
I need to make more money
oh and by the way your glasses arre awsome

I'm sick. Dammit dammit dammit!!! The change in Memphis weather has made my body revolt in allergic fits. My head's all swimmy, my eyes burn, and I can't stop sneezing. I have to bartend in less than two hours, but the upside is that I hear snot is making a comeback. Apparently, it's the new black.
Blec. Don't I wish.
Oh well, I'll make some...
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Blec. Don't I wish.
Oh well, I'll make some...
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soon, dear... soon...
okay, i feel better.
okay, i feel better.
I dunno, maybe......but I'd have to be pretty damn sick!
I live in a wonderful community; we watch each other's children, we car pool, we go out to lunch together, we party together, we do practically everything together. At the beginning of the summer, our largest and oldest tree fell victim to the seasons first storm. I watched as our landlords husband and a few other men solemnly cut it into firewood. That tree has...
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What a beautiful entry, everything I wish I could articulate, but cannot right now.
I want a community like yours!
Thank you, doll, you are tres adorable yourself!!!!
Thank you, doll, you are tres adorable yourself!!!!