So what up ppl!!!!!!!!!!!
Run down of my goings on.
Rosie has been ill on & off for acouple of wks, not fun bless her but shes eating like a horse at the moment considering shes rather slight so its real nice seein her eat.
I also have been ill with no sleep, Then i also ate a bad chinese & its fucked my stomach up big time, bbbbbbooooooooooo.
My xbox 360 broke but they gave me a brand new one so aces!!! Ive been to watch my beloved villa play again & we won, we're so cool at the moment rock on.
Got the other side of my neck started so also nice work there, see below.
Been seeing my baby wooshky & i love her loads already shes perfect, so easy to be around & shes preddy as hell. mmmmmmmmmmmm
ALso sorted out a situation so things right now are really really cool.
Hope all are ok, this is my shitty week at work so ill catch up with everyone next wk.
Run down of my goings on.
Rosie has been ill on & off for acouple of wks, not fun bless her but shes eating like a horse at the moment considering shes rather slight so its real nice seein her eat.
I also have been ill with no sleep, Then i also ate a bad chinese & its fucked my stomach up big time, bbbbbbooooooooooo.
My xbox 360 broke but they gave me a brand new one so aces!!! Ive been to watch my beloved villa play again & we won, we're so cool at the moment rock on.
Got the other side of my neck started so also nice work there, see below.
Been seeing my baby wooshky & i love her loads already shes perfect, so easy to be around & shes preddy as hell. mmmmmmmmmmmm
ALso sorted out a situation so things right now are really really cool.
Hope all are ok, this is my shitty week at work so ill catch up with everyone next wk.

glad things are going so well with wooshky, thats excellent news.
take care.
Hey there babe!!
How's the rest of your week been?
I missed you too mate.