Ah so where to begin.
Work has gotten alot better & im actually enjoying it at the moment. PPL there are realising just how fuckin good iam & im gettin bumed (by everyone) all the time.
Wooshky Is amazing & i spent such a relaxing wkend with her. Locked our selves in her flat for most of the wkend & just hung out was lovely. Watched eddie izzard & what not.
Rosies cool but has been very ill bless her. Seein sed girl tomorrow for dancing and drinks.
Daddy long legs are trying to kill me, please help.
Oh shes so beautiful

Work has gotten alot better & im actually enjoying it at the moment. PPL there are realising just how fuckin good iam & im gettin bumed (by everyone) all the time.
Wooshky Is amazing & i spent such a relaxing wkend with her. Locked our selves in her flat for most of the wkend & just hung out was lovely. Watched eddie izzard & what not.
Rosies cool but has been very ill bless her. Seein sed girl tomorrow for dancing and drinks.
Daddy long legs are trying to kill me, please help.
Oh shes so beautiful

i wouldnt be able to cope
the horror the horror!
Damn it, I gotta go to work. First make a sandwich as the house is grubby. I wouldn't trust food from there!
Yes, the boy and I are mushy but we bring a mushy kinda hope to most people's lives and they love it!
And no, I don't believe the boy makes cheese but if he'd been watching cbeebies he may have known now but alas.
Be good ya'll!!