Well my worst week of the month has gone, thank fuck
So at the end of my shift sunday we all done a smash & grab & headed off into town right after work. Finished at seven & i had my first drink in my hand by eight
thats inc showering, ironing cloths, shaving, go me!!!
I got very drunk on guinness, larger ( seemingly i drink it now ) , cider mmmm & vk blue which was a pound a bottle so i had to really. I downed two bottles at the same time in 10 seconds, stupid bets but haywwwhhhooo i got free drinks for abit
Me & my mate andi seemingly become attracted to each other when drunk, we always endup kissing and i sucked his tongue and he mine at one point. Still was all for good fun lol not that i walked off packing wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! should i be worried by that, nah it was for a laugh hahahahahaha
My friend Jem pulled this girl who turned out to be 20, him being 41 & told her he was 28. Until i opened my mouth
Still she seemed to like him until the taxi home, ill explian.
After meetin a girl, i think it right you dont then start to tell her even thoug hshe maybe abig girl you still think they are cute but if you wanna go out then fine but i expect you to pay your way after the firstt couple of dates. Me & this girls friend were sat amazed by this coversation & i didnt know where to look, thank god i was drunk.
Rosie has gone camping with her mother, i was hungoverish yesterday, very grumpy so roo got it in the neck alot
stupid dad!!!!!!!!!!
I got prey for my xbox 360, its soooo cool but weird. Still its a 1st person shooter with twisted element, perfect.
one part which i thought was so cool, which i shall bore youw ith is that i walked into the one room & it had like a small planet in a glasscase. i walked through the portal & i hadn't aclue where i was. Then one of the alien dudes was stood looking at me & he was huge, he vanished then next thing he was there with me, turns out this prtal shrunk us & so we were fighting on th is planet thing inside the case which then went into another part, it was sooooooooo cool tho lol sorry i get easily excted, not that easy tho girls
I have finished both songs for those keepin up
shall post once i'am fully happy with.

I got very drunk on guinness, larger ( seemingly i drink it now ) , cider mmmm & vk blue which was a pound a bottle so i had to really. I downed two bottles at the same time in 10 seconds, stupid bets but haywwwhhhooo i got free drinks for abit

My friend Jem pulled this girl who turned out to be 20, him being 41 & told her he was 28. Until i opened my mouth

Still she seemed to like him until the taxi home, ill explian.
After meetin a girl, i think it right you dont then start to tell her even thoug hshe maybe abig girl you still think they are cute but if you wanna go out then fine but i expect you to pay your way after the firstt couple of dates. Me & this girls friend were sat amazed by this coversation & i didnt know where to look, thank god i was drunk.

Rosie has gone camping with her mother, i was hungoverish yesterday, very grumpy so roo got it in the neck alot

I got prey for my xbox 360, its soooo cool but weird. Still its a 1st person shooter with twisted element, perfect.
one part which i thought was so cool, which i shall bore youw ith is that i walked into the one room & it had like a small planet in a glasscase. i walked through the portal & i hadn't aclue where i was. Then one of the alien dudes was stood looking at me & he was huge, he vanished then next thing he was there with me, turns out this prtal shrunk us & so we were fighting on th is planet thing inside the case which then went into another part, it was sooooooooo cool tho lol sorry i get easily excted, not that easy tho girls

I have finished both songs for those keepin up

glad ur enjoying ur new game, richardt plays countless ammounts of halo2.
posted ur ears