I've come to realise something & i need some advice off anyone here willing to give it.
I absolutely hate my job in every possible way & it is making me very unhappy.
I get no satisfaction from it in any shape or form, It stresses me out, Due to shift patterns im always catching up on sleep or fucking knackard & its affecting who i'am, what i think & it has for along time.
Because i dont use my brain for 12 hrs i constantly think of everything & anything. Small matters which i would normaly brush off when not there get to me because I dont use my brain i over think shit then it consumes me to the point where its driving me insane. Work want me to do more for them, keep giving me new things to look after but fact is once i know what the new thing is, on top of my other stuff i can do it blind folded be it reparing a robotic arm, rebuilding a motor ect.
If i had short days i could cope but 12 hrs days & night shifts its just getting to much for me.
Looking back on stuff I can honestly say it has cost me three important things at different parts of my life because of the lack of sleep, stressing out, not using my brain & worryin, thinking constantly my head never seems to stop.
The only reasons i'am still there are as follows,
1) loads of time off
2) good money & the chance to earn loads of extra money, like an extra 5k a yr But i cant bring myself to go in
thats it, nothing else. Thing is if i leave & go mon-fri i then have to stump up even more childcare money & lose the short weeks which are spent with rosie or friends ect.Plus the money thing.
But i'am real unhappy there & i dont know what to do.
If i stay i'll remain pissed off & now realising this stuff made being there last night even worse but i get the time off & the money. But if i leave & find something I really want to do it could make me so much more happier.
What should i do, im torn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other news i have been asked to write the lyrics for a bands forth coming 5 song EP. My friend is doing the art work & put them intouch with me, i sent them some stuff & they want me to write an acustic number & aheavy song for electric playing set. I'm not allowed to say who for by all accounts which is gay but it could lead to some cool stuff so ill be good. Im not allowed to say until its a finished deal ect as not to jinx it lol fair enough.
Heres an old piccy of me with hair, yes thats right hair i did have some once lol!!!!!!!!
Check the tongue out it huge. Its big anway but when i got it pierced it was like a whole new mini person
I absolutely hate my job in every possible way & it is making me very unhappy.
I get no satisfaction from it in any shape or form, It stresses me out, Due to shift patterns im always catching up on sleep or fucking knackard & its affecting who i'am, what i think & it has for along time.
Because i dont use my brain for 12 hrs i constantly think of everything & anything. Small matters which i would normaly brush off when not there get to me because I dont use my brain i over think shit then it consumes me to the point where its driving me insane. Work want me to do more for them, keep giving me new things to look after but fact is once i know what the new thing is, on top of my other stuff i can do it blind folded be it reparing a robotic arm, rebuilding a motor ect.
If i had short days i could cope but 12 hrs days & night shifts its just getting to much for me.
Looking back on stuff I can honestly say it has cost me three important things at different parts of my life because of the lack of sleep, stressing out, not using my brain & worryin, thinking constantly my head never seems to stop.
The only reasons i'am still there are as follows,
1) loads of time off
2) good money & the chance to earn loads of extra money, like an extra 5k a yr But i cant bring myself to go in
thats it, nothing else. Thing is if i leave & go mon-fri i then have to stump up even more childcare money & lose the short weeks which are spent with rosie or friends ect.Plus the money thing.
But i'am real unhappy there & i dont know what to do.
If i stay i'll remain pissed off & now realising this stuff made being there last night even worse but i get the time off & the money. But if i leave & find something I really want to do it could make me so much more happier.
What should i do, im torn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other news i have been asked to write the lyrics for a bands forth coming 5 song EP. My friend is doing the art work & put them intouch with me, i sent them some stuff & they want me to write an acustic number & aheavy song for electric playing set. I'm not allowed to say who for by all accounts which is gay but it could lead to some cool stuff so ill be good. Im not allowed to say until its a finished deal ect as not to jinx it lol fair enough.
Heres an old piccy of me with hair, yes thats right hair i did have some once lol!!!!!!!!
Check the tongue out it huge. Its big anway but when i got it pierced it was like a whole new mini person

get you all bleached up!!
so tell me more about these ladyboys???
hope your ok and things arent to poo for you at the mo
take care.
oh, and thanks for the msn add, i'll see you around on there at some point.