Dont do these much but guess im bored lol.
1. I need: To pass my driving
2. Sex: gimme gimme gimme
3. Relationships: Gotta try dont wanna be alone forever
4. Your Last Ex: Nice person
5. Power: Knowing whats what
6. Marijuana: Not in a long time
7. Crack: Sweaty lol
8. Food: mmmmmm something
9. The President: Cock knocker
10. War: Tanks, lol how random
11. Cars: Fuck ye i need one liek now
12. Gas Prices: Not for me to worry about
13. Halloween: Scary kids
14. Politics:meh!!!
15. Religion: As 14
16. Moon and Stars: Pretty
17. MySpace: Full of tarts and wankers lol
18. Worst Fear: Never being truely happy
19. Marriage:Why not
20. Fashion: If i see something i like i buy it, simple as
21. Brunettes: Hot
22. Redheads: Never been with a redhead, bright dyed hair hhhmmmmm lovely
23: Work: Tired
24: Pass the time: Internet, Xbox, Watching dvds
24: Football: Villa are wank !!!!!!
25: Pencils: Crayons
26: Pet Peeve: PPl who make loud noises when eating, drives me insane
27. Pixi Stix: No frame of ref
28: Vanilla Ice Cream: Summer
29: Porta Pottys: EEEERRRRR nothing
30: High school: Wish I could go back
32. Pajamas:mmmmmmmmmmm bed
33. Wood:the smell of it burning mnmmmm
34. Surfing:beach talk!!!!!!!!!!
35. Pictures: Memorys
1. I need: To pass my driving
2. Sex: gimme gimme gimme
3. Relationships: Gotta try dont wanna be alone forever
4. Your Last Ex: Nice person
5. Power: Knowing whats what
6. Marijuana: Not in a long time
7. Crack: Sweaty lol
8. Food: mmmmmm something
9. The President: Cock knocker
10. War: Tanks, lol how random
11. Cars: Fuck ye i need one liek now
12. Gas Prices: Not for me to worry about
13. Halloween: Scary kids
14. Politics:meh!!!
15. Religion: As 14
16. Moon and Stars: Pretty
17. MySpace: Full of tarts and wankers lol
18. Worst Fear: Never being truely happy
19. Marriage:Why not
20. Fashion: If i see something i like i buy it, simple as
21. Brunettes: Hot
22. Redheads: Never been with a redhead, bright dyed hair hhhmmmmm lovely
23: Work: Tired
24: Pass the time: Internet, Xbox, Watching dvds
24: Football: Villa are wank !!!!!!
25: Pencils: Crayons
26: Pet Peeve: PPl who make loud noises when eating, drives me insane
27. Pixi Stix: No frame of ref
28: Vanilla Ice Cream: Summer
29: Porta Pottys: EEEERRRRR nothing
30: High school: Wish I could go back
32. Pajamas:mmmmmmmmmmm bed
33. Wood:the smell of it burning mnmmmm
34. Surfing:beach talk!!!!!!!!!!
35. Pictures: Memorys
not got that in flames cd yet just had a quick sample of it on i-tunes sounds brutal....