Spell your first name back wards -giarc
Where do you live? -worcester
5 words that sum you up? tired, caring, moody, funny, protective
Wallet - quicksilver, red-black
Hairbrush - dont need one
Jewellery you wear daily- 25mm plugs, both conchs, lip tounge piercing and an apadravya
Pillow cover-Dark-Light blue
Coffee cup- Worlds greatest dad
CD in player -skindread at this second
What are you are wearing now -t-shirt, hoody, jeans
In my mouth-tongue stud
In my head -spending my compo money
Something you're looking forward to-seeing jen and rosie
The last thing you ate? pizza
Something that you are deathly afraid of? ooo Not seeing rosie again
Do you like candles - um ? yeah?
Do you believe in a thing called love- yeah
Do you believe in soul mates? - think so
Do you believe in love at first sight -yes
Do you believe in forgiveness -Depends on what it is
If you could have any animal for a pet -king kong
One of your favorite pig out foods?- Indian food
Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?-Tom
{In the last 24 hours, have you:} ---------->
Cried - Nope
Gotten sick -nope
Sang -in my head to my headphones
Eaten -duh
Felt stupid -nope
Hugged someone-yes
Met someone new -no
Kissed someone -ye
Talked to an ex -yep
Talked to someone you have a crush on-yep
Fought with your parents -nope
Dreamed about someone you can't be with -nope
Are you center of attention or the wallflower -Both
What type of automobile do you drive -Nout
Would u rather be with friends or on a date - Date
Do you attend church-no
Do you like being around people-not always
Who have you known the longest -my parents
Who do you argue the most with-lol im saying nothing
Who do you always get along with-Jem ( mate at work)
Who is the smartest-Toms step-father
Who is your Hero- Aint got one, if pressed Homer Simpson
Missed school because it was raining-nope
Put a body part on fire for amusement -nope
Been hurt emotionally -OH YES
Ever thought an animated character was hot?- no way
What do you notice first -Teeth
Last person you slow danced with -cant remember
current mood-bored
current make-up-nout
current thing I ought to be doing-playing kameo or smackdown
current favorite bands -ill nino, KsE, shadows fall, eminem, korn
current book youre reading - flanimals
current favorite drink - guinness
Where do you live? -worcester
5 words that sum you up? tired, caring, moody, funny, protective
Wallet - quicksilver, red-black
Hairbrush - dont need one
Jewellery you wear daily- 25mm plugs, both conchs, lip tounge piercing and an apadravya
Pillow cover-Dark-Light blue
Coffee cup- Worlds greatest dad
CD in player -skindread at this second
What are you are wearing now -t-shirt, hoody, jeans
In my mouth-tongue stud
In my head -spending my compo money
Something you're looking forward to-seeing jen and rosie
The last thing you ate? pizza
Something that you are deathly afraid of? ooo Not seeing rosie again
Do you like candles - um ? yeah?
Do you believe in a thing called love- yeah
Do you believe in soul mates? - think so
Do you believe in love at first sight -yes
Do you believe in forgiveness -Depends on what it is
If you could have any animal for a pet -king kong
One of your favorite pig out foods?- Indian food
Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?-Tom
{In the last 24 hours, have you:} ---------->
Cried - Nope
Gotten sick -nope
Sang -in my head to my headphones
Eaten -duh
Felt stupid -nope
Hugged someone-yes
Met someone new -no
Kissed someone -ye
Talked to an ex -yep
Talked to someone you have a crush on-yep
Fought with your parents -nope
Dreamed about someone you can't be with -nope
Are you center of attention or the wallflower -Both
What type of automobile do you drive -Nout
Would u rather be with friends or on a date - Date
Do you attend church-no
Do you like being around people-not always
Who have you known the longest -my parents
Who do you argue the most with-lol im saying nothing
Who do you always get along with-Jem ( mate at work)
Who is the smartest-Toms step-father
Who is your Hero- Aint got one, if pressed Homer Simpson
Missed school because it was raining-nope
Put a body part on fire for amusement -nope
Been hurt emotionally -OH YES
Ever thought an animated character was hot?- no way
What do you notice first -Teeth
Last person you slow danced with -cant remember
current mood-bored
current make-up-nout
current thing I ought to be doing-playing kameo or smackdown
current favorite bands -ill nino, KsE, shadows fall, eminem, korn
current book youre reading - flanimals
current favorite drink - guinness
got a 24"lotr sauron statue for xmas thats cool aswell would post a pic but phones playing up