I've lost touch with whats "in" i think. Can anyone explain EMO to me? i just dont get it. On another note you all should be listening to ill ninos one nation underground or soulfly's dark ages albums. Gotta work tonight
Thanks! is batman deadend that wicked fan film that just looks reallt professional? that's ace!
Don't worry about EMO, it's a load of bollocks really, some good bands come under the label if you choose to use it though.
Hiya, thanks for the comment.. what you getting inked then? i know what you mean, i was getting inked every week for my sleeve.. i'm impatient i hate it when something isn't finished.. it's a bit addictive too.! haha time to slow down.. xx
Don't worry about EMO, it's a load of bollocks really, some good bands come under the label if you choose to use it though.