So started getting my lotus flower tattoo yesterday, is probably 60% done at least.
It hurt so fucking bad, was really surprised cause all my other tat's have never really given me any problems painwise so don't know if it was the location but wow.... Alie (tattoo'ist @ Adrenaline in Toronto - she is awesome) suggested I'd got to the point of stopping after 2 hours so am gonna go back either end of April or end of May (depending on travel) to get it finished off.
So far I love it!

It hurt so fucking bad, was really surprised cause all my other tat's have never really given me any problems painwise so don't know if it was the location but wow.... Alie (tattoo'ist @ Adrenaline in Toronto - she is awesome) suggested I'd got to the point of stopping after 2 hours so am gonna go back either end of April or end of May (depending on travel) to get it finished off.
So far I love it!

Will this be filled with colour ?
no colour is planned....