You might want to consider reading up on Stoicism. I've found it very helpful. I think that you are on the wrong track when you say that we can only truly appreciate joy when we experience its loss. I think joy is just great when it's happening. It doesn't matter that we know we are happy: what matters is that we _are_ happy.
I hope you get some more happiness in your life soon.
i didn't go to japanese class this evening.. instead i ended up at the park with a friend.. talking about adri.. he was one of my best friends in school.. and he was killed in a car accident when i was 18...
it made me realise just how long its been since i've spoken to someone about him.. though i still think about him lots..... Read More
Thankyou so much. The sleeve looks awesome, by the way. I'm very sorry to hear you've been through a similar feeling. I honestly wouldn't wish this on anyone but it's fantastic to know that I have support, even if it is through the interwebs
am posting on here only because of the anonymity i have on here as opposed to my blog or facebook.. and i really don't want to be sharing this in public right now...
i'm sinking.. my divorce was finalised this week and it has fucked me up big time.. i'm lower than i have been for a while and am on the verge of tears... Read More
Dude, that sucks. If I were there I'd hang around and commiserate with you, but I'm not. Don't you have a sangha yet? If not, you need to find one. I don't know where you are in Oz, but if you tell me, I may be able to hook you up with people who are in the know, and I'm happy to try. I have friends in Melbourne, and in Brisbane, and possibly some connections in Sydney as well.
One of the unfortunate things about meditation is that we can do it on negative objectsthings that only hurt us when we meditate on them. This is what you are doing to yourself right now. You need to use the tools of your practice to help you. They say the easiest way to break depression is to find someone to help, and help them. Your STFU project is a good idea, but it may be too impersonal for what you need right now. I don't know if there's a ready supply of homeless people where you live, but sometimes the best thing you can do is to just find someone who's at the end of their rope but hasn't lost hope yet, and do them some kindness that makes them smile. You could call it selfish, but it won't feel that way to them, nor will it feel that way to you.
For your nightmares, go to bed thinking about compassion and gratitude. As you're going to sleep, use your mindfulness practice to keep your mind either on kindnesses people other than your ex have done for you (because you can't dwell on your ex right now) or on opportunities you will have in the future to do kindnesses to others. Or if you have a close teacher whom you miss, put your mind on him or her as you go to sleep. It sounds hokey, but it might work. And when you wake up, before you open your eyes, set an intention to do something to help someone today. Do this even if you wake up with a nightmare.
As for the meditation thing, use your reason to break bad logic. There's no Buddhist concept of guilt. Negative karma you have committed comes back to you, so you don't have to worry that the books are unbalanced. All you need to worry about is what you put on the books going forward. And there is no The One. You are young, and you will meet someone new again someday, and you will do a better job with her because you've learned from the past. You don't have to despair. When I broke up with my sweetie of five years back in 1997, I thought I'd totally screwed her, but she's fine now, and I'm fine too, and some amazing things came into both my life and hers as a result of our breakup.
Anyway, I'm sorry you're going through this, and I hope this was helpful and not just long-winded nonsense.
in addition to my now well publicised work on Soften the Fck Up.. I'm also setting up an NFP called zenwave..
zenwave will be a website where anyone can upload a photo for sale (large canvas prints etc) with the proceeds going to a pre-selected (and verified) charity of their choice...
another music star joined the infamous '27 club' at the weekend.. and the reaction has really shocked me...
first off.. and not really my main point.. but it was sad to see this tragic event overshadow the shocking events in norway.. certainly not amy winehouse's fault.. and no doubt a reflection of the impact that she had on this world.. as well as a reflection... Read More
Wow, that's a pretty crazy statistic. Seems like the video might make an impression, but I'm not literate enough in Oz culture to say. Good luck with it!
zenwave is being set up to sell individuals photos with the proceeds going to a charity of the donators choice (from a pre-selected list of partnering charities)...
to get the ball rolling would be great to receive some pics and where you would choose the proceeds to go.. and why...
(the photos won't be used on the site without your confirmation being sought.. this is... Read More