' as long as i don't fuck up in too big a manner i should be looking pretty good huh...'
'...don't be afraid of fucking up.. no matter how big.. the only thing i'll be watching is how you recover from it...'
the above was a conversation i had with a senior colleague at work...
we could all use more of this kind of...
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' as long as i don't fuck up in too big a manner i should be looking pretty good huh...'
'...don't be afraid of fucking up.. no matter how big.. the only thing i'll be watching is how you recover from it...'
the above was a conversation i had with a senior colleague at work...
we could all use more of this kind of...
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i don't feel very buddhist right now.. i feel i write this blog.. often talking about buddhism.. or ways to make a positive difference to people.... yet i'm not being a good buddhist in myself.. i've made some very non-buddhist choices which i won't allude to again.. and as i've stated a few times.. have more than felt the karmic effects of those decisions......
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i don't feel very buddhist right now.. i feel i write this blog.. often talking about buddhism.. or ways to make a positive difference to people.... yet i'm not being a good buddhist in myself.. i've made some very non-buddhist choices which i won't allude to again.. and as i've stated a few times.. have more than felt the karmic effects of those decisions......
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how do you judge decisions?.. and how do you judge the person behind those choices?...
without going into any detail.. i've made some undoubtably questionable decisions over the last few months.. decisions i knew went against my buddhist beliefs.. and choices which ultimately have hurt people...
i feel awful for causing such anguish.. and i myself hurt.. as the karmic consequences of my decisions...
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how do you judge decisions?.. and how do you judge the person behind those choices?...
without going into any detail.. i've made some undoubtably questionable decisions over the last few months.. decisions i knew went against my buddhist beliefs.. and choices which ultimately have hurt people...
i feel awful for causing such anguish.. and i myself hurt.. as the karmic consequences of my decisions...
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gong xi fa cai...
i spent my weekend sorting things out in preparation for the lunar new year...
i've made many asian friends here in australia.. as well as further embracing buddhism into my life.. and given a somewhat shaky start to 2012 i decided to follow tradition in respect the new year.. to clean out a few cobwebs and to invite new beginnings and...
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i spent my weekend sorting things out in preparation for the lunar new year...
i've made many asian friends here in australia.. as well as further embracing buddhism into my life.. and given a somewhat shaky start to 2012 i decided to follow tradition in respect the new year.. to clean out a few cobwebs and to invite new beginnings and...
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'to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best.. night and day.. to make you everybody else.. means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight.. and never stop fighting...'
e. e. cummings...
e. e. cummings...
I was going to post a random hello comment on your blog..but then I notice that your blog post is verging on being profound, if not atleast well thought out... so then I thought I ought not to tarnish your wall...
But then I figured I ought to atleast let you know of my dilemma and herein this post was created.
But then I figured I ought to atleast let you know of my dilemma and herein this post was created.
since moving to sydney.. and maybe even in toronto.. it seems my headphones have become as associated with me as my tattoo's have.. it would definitely be as painful to permanently remove my headphones as it would my tat's!...
i'm developing an ever stronger love for hiphop.. and with a few exceptions i definitely prefer early 90's east coast hiphop.. for me the beats...
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since moving to sydney.. and maybe even in toronto.. it seems my headphones have become as associated with me as my tattoo's have.. it would definitely be as painful to permanently remove my headphones as it would my tat's!...
i'm developing an ever stronger love for hiphop.. and with a few exceptions i definitely prefer early 90's east coast hiphop.. for me the beats...
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90s east coast hip hop!
Can i recommend you the incredible duo of Gang Starr?
and i personally love this jam
Can i recommend you the incredible duo of Gang Starr?

and i personally love this jam
lladnaR.. love it.. to use a 90's cliche..
the tragic death of gary speed at the weekend has shocked the sporting world.. one of the premier leagues most respected players.. and based on the outpouring of grief from his fellow professionals.. a much respected person as well...
a lot of comments have been made about the choice to take his own life.. with many expressing their belief that this was a selfish...
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the tragic death of gary speed at the weekend has shocked the sporting world.. one of the premier leagues most respected players.. and based on the outpouring of grief from his fellow professionals.. a much respected person as well...
a lot of comments have been made about the choice to take his own life.. with many expressing their belief that this was a selfish...
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Thanks for the Buddha boost.