It's been a while sincer I posted a blog here. Today is the day I've decided to quit smoking... again. Well, I did this once, and I'm about to do it again.
This is gonna be quite stressesful for me, but I feel like cigarretes aren't doing me good at all.
I'm thinking about watching a horror movie, something scary, but I don't know which one.
In the past days, I'm feeling that my mind is chaotic. It's hard to forget someone who used to be part of your life.
At the same time, I recently met a person who I always wanted to go out on a date. Wonderful person, by the way. It made me feel like it is possible to develop good feelings for someone again. Maybe I...
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It's almost 5 am here in my crountry, I am still drinking and I don't know why, but I feel kinda guilty about it.
Does anyone have driking problems?
Anyone who is reading this? Guys, gilrl, whatever?
Well, I do.
It's nice, but at the same time it sucks.