Nemesis have finished the photoshopping and uploaded my set in the hopeful area!!
So now you all sweeties can se my rejected set
I hope you love it! eacuse I really do!
Here it is!!
Nemesis is awsome! I love her!
She is so smart, cute and hot!!
My new boobs are doing well! I really like them! They are so nice to look at
Here they are! In the new top I got from Vanessa Isn't cute?
Here are my new boobs.. and my new scars...
Nemesis have finished the photoshopping and uploaded my set in the hopeful area!!
So now you all sweeties can se my rejected set
Here it is!!
Nemesis is awsome! I love her!
My new boobs are doing well! I really like them! They are so nice to look at
Here they are! In the new top I got from Vanessa Isn't cute?
Here are my new boobs.. and my new scars...
Bye bye for today!
stockholm was really great! I like your country, just that alcohol thing is really strange for a german